Recent discoveries in the interior
The human brain seems to be too dedicated. It used to be frequently cited statistics, we use only 10% of our potential brain capacity. Other psychologists have learned over the past decade, however, are less likely to be groped dare to quantify the potential of the brain. The only logical conclusion is that part of our potential brain power we use is likely to be closer to 4% compared to 10%. Most of us, then, seems to provide 96% of the intellectual potential to be used. But it is not necessarily so. When we begin to understand how the brain's memory works, how to open a tap, a large untapped potential. The result can be a quantum leap in the speed of learning, enriching every aspect of our lives, and scientists now believe, a measurable increase in intelligence, what is our time. First, let's look at some facts.
The average adult human brain consists of about 12,000 and 15 billion nerve cells. (15 billion). It is about three times the size of the population. human nervous system controlled by the brain begins its development until 20 days after fertilization. Five weeks of gestation, brain development begins in earnest, and eight weeks after the first two jets in the brain begins. At this stage, the brain accounts for half of the total length of the fetus (although it is still only a "/ 2 inches long!). This is when the neuroblasts begin to grow. Neuroblasts are embryonic cells, which in turn comes neurons , or nerve cells in the brain. The speed at which neuroblasts are now developing are impressive. They add interest to several thousands per minute.
Nutrition is essential for the formation of brain cells. Of particular importance is the protein enough to supply sufficient quantities of amino acids. Tryptophan is particularly important in the biochemistry of the brain and breast milk has twice this amino acid than milk from cows. In societies where mothers are malnourished, children can have a maximum of 50% fewer neurons than their counterparts in Western children. In addition, part of the brain responsible for coordination of the members may be seriously compromised. Twelve weeks after conception, the fetus now adds the small neurons at a rate of 2,000 seconds. To put this in context, the adult bee brain contains about 7,000 neurons. A bee can perform many sophisticated tasks, including construction and maintenance of a honeycomb, distance calculation, indicating their peers in the direction of pollen sources, and the recognition of a course to the sights and smells.
All with the number of neurons in the human embryo develops in less than 3 seconds. Approximately 20 weeks after conception or 18 weeks before birth, the human embryo, provided that his whole nervous system: 12-15 billion neurons. Although the number of neurons is important, an even more important is the next step of brain development: the thrust of second brain.
About ten weeks before the birth, each neuron starts sending many fine fibers and potential linkages with other neurons. Brain power is largely a function of the number of neurons and the richness of its connections. Since each neuron can make thousands of connections, the potential number of interconnections in the functioning of the brain in the billions. The essential point to remember is that only a fraction of these connections are made automatically.
Most are made with the brain. The more you stimulate the brain, richer connections and practice mental capacity. Many of the interconnections are basic data before the age of five years! The human head will grow in physical size than four times after birth. The limit of the evolution of the size of the baby's head at birth was determined by the size of the birth canal of themother. In less than five years, the skull is 90% of its adult size. adult size, in fact, reached almost a decade. The brain weighs about 3 pounds now.
It is about 2% of the body but the brain needs 20% of the oxygen supply. Oxygen is vital for the brain, as if human beings are limited in oxygen consumption, the offer will be automatically reduced to every other body parts before delivery to the brain decreases. Unsurprisingly, the oxygen is equally important before the birth. The fetus of a woman who smokes gets less oxygen and results in subsequent reading of these children is generally lower than for non-smoking mothers.
brain development, nutrition is equally important in the early years after birth, because it is before birth, because malnutrition is not only reduces the neurons, but also the number of connections between nerve cells. In rats, it was discovered that the connection neuron can be reduced by 40% simply by poor nutrition. The reason, incidentally, because the long-suffering rat has been studied so hard that his nervous system is very similar to that of man. Some readers will no doubt make other behavioral similarities.
We have seen how the number of neurons in the brain is fixed before birth. Unlike the body's cells, brain cells usually do not renew. Even if they die at a rate of several thousand per day, for the loss of life would be trivial and very unlikely to influence the spiritual practice.
In a much more important is the fact that the number of connections between neurons are continuously developing, which would more than compensate. In reality, it would argue for an improvement in mental capacity with age - and as we shall see if improvement is expected that this is the result.
So far we have spoken of "neurons". This gives a misleading picture of simplicity. Neuron is made up of the cell body (gray matter), which leads to the main fiber called Axon. Axon includes fatty coating called myelin, and you can choose another neuron cell, or a branch-like fibers called dendrites. Axons and dendrites are the white matter of the brain.
For simplicity, the axon transmits electrical impulses that make the functioning of the brain, the dendrites receive them. Paste the brain all together, food, are glial cells (glial cells from the Greek for "glue"). If you were a little surprised by the number of people involved in 15 billion brain cells, and were surprised that there are hundreds of dendrites times, you can choose to not even try to understand that there are probably 100 billion glial cells in the human brain. The true spirit in its own complexity boggle!
Intersection where two nerve cells meet, or when meeting dendrite dendrites, called synapses. This is a small hole and the electrical activity of the brain down the axon to the synapses.
A connection is when a number of chemicals are released to fill the gap by synapses. These chemicals are called neurotransmitters allow electrical activity at synapses overflow. The speed of neural transmission of a pulse is about 100 meters per second. Transmission of brain activity when it is not electric, but a natural chemical reaction to a pulse of electrical origin. We now know that up to 30 different types of neurotransmitters. Some are amines, most are amino acids, the building blocks of proteins.
We also know that not only neuro-transmitters to transmit a pulse but are able to alter the way - though not yet know how. When we do, we can begin to unravel the secrets of physical memory and thought. This is a breakthrough comparable to the original crack genetic code of the double helix.
The human brain seems to be too dedicated. It used to be frequently cited statistics, we use only 10% of our potential brain capacity. Other psychologists have learned over the past decade, however, are less likely to be groped dare to quantify the potential of the brain. The only logical conclusion is that part of our potential brain power we use is likely to be closer to 4% compared to 10%. Most of us, then, seems to provide 96% of the intellectual potential to be used. But it is not necessarily so. When we begin to understand how the brain's memory works, how to open a tap, a large untapped potential. The result can be a quantum leap in the speed of learning, enriching every aspect of our lives, and scientists now believe, a measurable increase in intelligence, what is our time. First, let's look at some facts.
The average adult human brain consists of about 12,000 and 15 billion nerve cells. (15 billion). It is about three times the size of the population. human nervous system controlled by the brain begins its development until 20 days after fertilization. Five weeks of gestation, brain development begins in earnest, and eight weeks after the first two jets in the brain begins. At this stage, the brain accounts for half of the total length of the fetus (although it is still only a "/ 2 inches long!). This is when the neuroblasts begin to grow. Neuroblasts are embryonic cells, which in turn comes neurons , or nerve cells in the brain. The speed at which neuroblasts are now developing are impressive. They add interest to several thousands per minute.
Nutrition is essential for the formation of brain cells. Of particular importance is the protein enough to supply sufficient quantities of amino acids. Tryptophan is particularly important in the biochemistry of the brain and breast milk has twice this amino acid than milk from cows. In societies where mothers are malnourished, children can have a maximum of 50% fewer neurons than their counterparts in Western children. In addition, part of the brain responsible for coordination of the members may be seriously compromised. Twelve weeks after conception, the fetus now adds the small neurons at a rate of 2,000 seconds. To put this in context, the adult bee brain contains about 7,000 neurons. A bee can perform many sophisticated tasks, including construction and maintenance of a honeycomb, distance calculation, indicating their peers in the direction of pollen sources, and the recognition of a course to the sights and smells.
All with the number of neurons in the human embryo develops in less than 3 seconds. Approximately 20 weeks after conception or 18 weeks before birth, the human embryo, provided that his whole nervous system: 12-15 billion neurons. Although the number of neurons is important, an even more important is the next step of brain development: the thrust of second brain.
About ten weeks before the birth, each neuron starts sending many fine fibers and potential linkages with other neurons. Brain power is largely a function of the number of neurons and the richness of its connections. Since each neuron can make thousands of connections, the potential number of interconnections in the functioning of the brain in the billions. The essential point to remember is that only a fraction of these connections are made automatically.
Most are made with the brain. The more you stimulate the brain, richer connections and practice mental capacity. Many of the interconnections are basic data before the age of five years! The human head will grow in physical size than four times after birth. The limit of the evolution of the size of the baby's head at birth was determined by the size of the birth canal of themother. In less than five years, the skull is 90% of its adult size. adult size, in fact, reached almost a decade. The brain weighs about 3 pounds now.
It is about 2% of the body but the brain needs 20% of the oxygen supply. Oxygen is vital for the brain, as if human beings are limited in oxygen consumption, the offer will be automatically reduced to every other body parts before delivery to the brain decreases. Unsurprisingly, the oxygen is equally important before the birth. The fetus of a woman who smokes gets less oxygen and results in subsequent reading of these children is generally lower than for non-smoking mothers.
brain development, nutrition is equally important in the early years after birth, because it is before birth, because malnutrition is not only reduces the neurons, but also the number of connections between nerve cells. In rats, it was discovered that the connection neuron can be reduced by 40% simply by poor nutrition. The reason, incidentally, because the long-suffering rat has been studied so hard that his nervous system is very similar to that of man. Some readers will no doubt make other behavioral similarities.
We have seen how the number of neurons in the brain is fixed before birth. Unlike the body's cells, brain cells usually do not renew. Even if they die at a rate of several thousand per day, for the loss of life would be trivial and very unlikely to influence the spiritual practice.
In a much more important is the fact that the number of connections between neurons are continuously developing, which would more than compensate. In reality, it would argue for an improvement in mental capacity with age - and as we shall see if improvement is expected that this is the result.
So far we have spoken of "neurons". This gives a misleading picture of simplicity. Neuron is made up of the cell body (gray matter), which leads to the main fiber called Axon. Axon includes fatty coating called myelin, and you can choose another neuron cell, or a branch-like fibers called dendrites. Axons and dendrites are the white matter of the brain.
For simplicity, the axon transmits electrical impulses that make the functioning of the brain, the dendrites receive them. Paste the brain all together, food, are glial cells (glial cells from the Greek for "glue"). If you were a little surprised by the number of people involved in 15 billion brain cells, and were surprised that there are hundreds of dendrites times, you can choose to not even try to understand that there are probably 100 billion glial cells in the human brain. The true spirit in its own complexity boggle!
Intersection where two nerve cells meet, or when meeting dendrite dendrites, called synapses. This is a small hole and the electrical activity of the brain down the axon to the synapses.
A connection is when a number of chemicals are released to fill the gap by synapses. These chemicals are called neurotransmitters allow electrical activity at synapses overflow. The speed of neural transmission of a pulse is about 100 meters per second. Transmission of brain activity when it is not electric, but a natural chemical reaction to a pulse of electrical origin. We now know that up to 30 different types of neurotransmitters. Some are amines, most are amino acids, the building blocks of proteins.
We also know that not only neuro-transmitters to transmit a pulse but are able to alter the way - though not yet know how. When we do, we can begin to unravel the secrets of physical memory and thought. This is a breakthrough comparable to the original crack genetic code of the double helix.
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