Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Different Types Of Hallucinations Tiger

Auditory Hallucinations (hearing)

These hallucinations often in the form of:

• Akoasma, that sounds like a mess that can not be distinguished unequivocally

• phoneme, namely the shape of the sound of voices as clear as that of human origin, so that people hear the words or phrases bother

Visual hallucinations (visions)

Patients who see something that does not exist. Visual hallucinations often cause great fear in people.

Olfaktorik hallucinations

Patients who did not smell anything he liked the rat. Hallucination is a description of a person feels guilty.

Gustatorik hallucinations (taste)

Gustatorik hallucinations pure rare but often occur olfaktorik hallucinations.

tactile hallucinations (feeling)

These hallucinations are often about drugs and drug users.

Hallucinations Haptik

This hallucination is the perception that as the patient's body is in physical contact with other people or other objects. Often this haptik hallucinations sexual fantasy, and very often found in drug addicts.

kinesthetic hallucination

The patients believe that the members of the body except for her body, deform and move yourself. This often occurs in people with schizophrenia and drug abuse.

Hallucinations autoscopia

Patients seem to stand in front of him.

Schizophrenic patients really need to complain because of the suffering they have experienced. But why many people choose to change his life beautiful and noble of the drug and suffered a series of serious mental disorders? Nobody knows.
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Friday, March 4, 2011

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Delays And Language Disorders

According to experts, the development of language functions is the most complex processes

Between all phases of development. The function of language is Often the best indicator of

whether there is any disruption of intellectual development. Together with the development

of sensory motor, language development function will of be a function of social development.

Language development requires the function of receptive and expressive. Receptive function

is the ability of children to Recognize and React to someone, the incidence of the

Surrounding environment, understand the purpose of expression and tone of a and finally

understand the words. Expressive function is the ability of children to express his

thoughts, starting from pre-verbal communication (before children cans speak), communication

with facial expressions, body movements and finally using those words. Possibility of

Language Difficulties Should Pls think about a child reaches late stages of the Appropriate

language unit for its age. Units of these languages ​​cans be a voice, words and sentences.

Furthermore, the function of language is governed by Also The Rules of grammar, namely how

the sounds form words, words form sentences Correctly and so on. Delay-talk occurs in 3-15%

of children, and is a developmental disorder occurs most Often. As many as 1% of children

experience delays in speaking WHO, still Unable to speak. Thirty percent of children

experience a mild delay WHO earnest heal itself, but 70% of Them will from have difficulty

speaking, less intelligent, or other learning Difficulties.

A child is experiencing delays in language development if:
Do not Want To smile socially Until 10 weeks, did not utter a sound as an answer to the age

of 3 months. There is no concern about Until the age of 8 months
Not Speak Until the age of 15 months. Not to say 3-4 words Until age 20 months.

Causes of speech and language disorders, Because Among others:

• central nervous system (brain): This is a mental disorder Including, autism, attention

disorders, and brain damage.

• The presence of hearing loss, vision problems, organ abnormalities or talk.

• emotional and environmental factors: the child does not receive sufficient stimulation

from the environment. When children are ill-stimulation is Also experiencing lack of food or

child abuse, it cans be more severe language disorders Because the cause is not merely a

deprivation, but Also neurological disorders due to malnutrition or child abus. autism

selective, usually seen in children aged 3-5 years, that is not speaking in to perform

certain circumstances, for example at school or if any particular person. Or Sometimes he

just Want to talk to a particular person, usually an older child. This situation is more

connected with the disorder known as neurosis or disturbance of motivation.
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Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Symptoms Of Autism

Children with autism may appear normal at first year or second year of his life. Often Parents are aware of a delay in language skills and special Pls different Ways you play and Interact with others. These children cans be very sensitive or even unresponsive to stimuli of the Senses five stimuli (hearing, touch, smell, taste and vision). repetitive behaviors (flapping, fluttering hands and fingers, Shook his body and repeat the word) is Also available. For aggressive behavior (Either for yourself or someone else) or very passive. It is likely, That Previously Considered normal behavior cans be other symptoms.

In Addition to playing, restricted interests and repetitive social barriers are Some Things That other "are always associated with autism respond to the unjust They receive sensory information, for example, noise, lighting, surface or texture of Some materials and taste in foods Some That May Their few favorite.

Some or all of the features listed below cans be seen in the autism spectrum get along with most of the light of the harshest conditions.

1. Barriers to communication, for example: speak and understand language.

2. Difficulties in dealing with other people or objects That surround and connects the events That store place.

3. Playing with toys or other objects are not natural.

4. It is Difficult to accept changes in routine and environment is Recognized.

5. Move your body or a recurrent pattern of behavior

People with autism and spectrum are very heterogeneous both in capacity, intelligence level, and even behavior. Some of Them have a "talk" to it, while others May be limited to language, so Often repeat words or phrases (echolalia). Those WHO have great language skills using the themes Are Generally Limited and Difficult to understand abstract concepts. There is always a unique individuality of people with disabilities.

Besides the Various features of the above, there are guidelines and guidelines for Parents and professionals to alert more and care for symptoms. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) in the United States for five types of behavior and needs to be monitored for Further evaluation:

1. Children cans not complain Until the age of 12 months

2. Children do not demonstrate the ability of body language (pointing to his chest, waiting) Until the age of 12 months

3. Children do not say a word Until the age of 16 months

4. Children cans not use two sentences spontaneously at the age of 24 months

5. Children lose language and social interaction in a given age

"Red Light" The existence of five does not mean That children are the characteristics of autism, but autism is very different from what the child receive a Multidisciplinary evaluations Should the which May include neurologists, Psychologists, paediatrics, speech therapy, and other professionals pædagog WHO understand the problem of autism.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Patients With Autism, Education And Health Care

There are some traits of autism such as difficulty communicating and socializing. Autism is able to express joy or sadness. It is also not able to communicate.

According to Roselyn, Autism Speaks is often monotonous, deadpan. Sometimes they feel to repeat the words of others, or commonly known as echolalia. Furthermore, the lack of communication, autism is often a strange place to repeat the same activities every day. "For example, wearing school uniforms. The first time you use it, pants, shoes, and third place, even on a regular basis and are difficult to organize," says Roselyn.

Roselyn autism including, for example, a student is not afraid of danger. "Students who have had two years will go to the fourth floor, bent over just to get scared, he does not know the dangers," he said.

In addition, autistic children excessive obsession with anything. For example, integers, continues to pay attention to numbers or keep an eye on a leash, rope, play permanently. "People with autism are sensitive to touch everything. I hurt my fields, simply because a small key, he says.

But there are unique benefits for children with autism. It is worth recalling in detail, and accurate information. visual memories are also very good and able to focus on specific topics or perform work for an extended period.

Autistic children need special care at an early stage. There are a number of boxes of treatments can be achieved for example by providing training in patient care professionals with stroke, speech and language therapy, physical education

muscles, behavior analysis to help identify what the behavior is positive or negative, the system transmitting the image of change, which is a method of learning through images, words that express it easy to capture images, such as autism.

Not just a regular guy who has the right to education, children with autism have the same rights. Instead, the government has asked people with autism should receive special attention.

The law says that all Indonesian citizens deserve the same education. Education Act No. 20 of 2003 ordered the government to provide education for all population groups. Special School Guidance Director General of the Law on Business Schools Department of Education Djatmiko Sukarso Eko said: "The Government recognizes and implements special education (PK) and special education for people with autism, "he said.

He said that all matters relating to the teaching of children with autism can participate in the National Education Standards Agency. But then, Eko said, teaching offers the freedom to establish the programs of each school for autistic impaired. Because each school has different training needs of people with autism.

To ensure that people with autism to obtain a quality education, national education given at school for autism in Indonesia, do not hire teachers without a certificate as part of Autism . Autism should receive special attention. Data provided by the National Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the number of people with autism who participated in particular has changed since the Big Five public.

Indonesia, particularly in schools, dealing with autism in schools are now among the 1752nd Jakarta itself has 111 schools physically autism. Of course, because it is close to school and special needs in general. Autism is a school psychologist special mandingas Dyah Puspa is a program of study of autism, but differently for each.

Because each person has their own limits and requirements. For example, some children need to be taught with intense communication, one must learn to care for him. Although there is a need to focus solely on academic issues. To this end, a variety of different therapies were given to specialists in school-age children with autism Agca Ira Bekasi. Head of Christiana Center, this school as the forms of therapy for people with autism.

Among other things, a comprehensive treatment of the word honesty, and physiotherapy. "Therapeutic reflected depends on the condition of the child," he said. ABOUT treatment of autism for around five years, when less than five years of autism. Parents treat autism five years to develop the self-development to blend with the environment. "It 's required for their time at school," says Ira.

If autism is more than five boxes do not socialize at all, is the training that leads to nerve growth in gross and fine motor skills. On the other hand, people with autism who are able to socialize, is incorporated directly into regular schools. Notes, which must still comply with remedial classes in special schools for persons with autism. With autism hectares under five years of comprehensive treatment, including behavioral therapy, and speech.

Behavior therapy aims to respect, improvisation, imitation, and professional. Speaking of Education has started to do simple things to blow out the candles, tissues, or pronounce the letter and speak consonants. Auto-learning in education in the world of autistic children are busy, they have their own luck, see page protégé of students placed in mainstream schools. "It means that we can educate (students), so as to interfere with the normal theme boxes," says Ira.

Undoubtedly, the joy Ira student if the student is making progress. As if they were able to say "Mom or Dad. According to Ira, the progress of each child is different, depending on your ability to receive external stimuli. In the midst of all property lines, children with special needs also have talents special. Nowhere is this role of parents to see the talent that real estate subsidiary of the jelly.

Tristan Teresa realized that his son, Ryan, has a talent for painting. Although people with autism to mercury Ryan put brush. "Through painting, Ryan seemed to express their thoughts and make expressive," he said. According to the painter often Alianto to support children in need aged five years, leading to paint cans.

And if the capacity continually refined over a period of nearly four years, young artists have autism, have been able to paint better. According to the child itself, "said Alianto also owns the home study. Alianto It accepts children with special needs does not lead easily. Therefore, it requires its own approach to painting and working children with an accent.

"At first I did not pay them to do the object. Then I said:" If the picture is worse. "Then, pull the other items for a full picture," said glider. Glider add up to who had the child must be accompanied by another high-level painting. What people with special needs. Unfortunately, many parents of children with special needs were not aware of the events and help them to do everything in his only teacher of painting.

This is justified by the Foundation President Dr. Janice autism Budhiman Indonesia. He said that the facilitation process is designed to encourage children to develop "their activities. For children with special needs, the painting is not only a rewarding hobby. In addition, the table serves as a training Occupational therapy for motor of children.

love and patience, is an approach often overlooked in the teaching of autistic children in a variety of clinical treatments. While efforts to create a positive attitude, knowing the nuances of violence in general, so that children are traumatized, afraid to seek treatment or who are not parents. "In fact, impressed with the education of children of autistic behaviors, such as training in animal behavior. For example, are ordered to sit in his eyes bulging, screaming, yelling. Eliminated Otherwise, punishment and other acts of violence" said Hamida workshop MSI autistic children in the education of man, "that the Autism Society of Indonesia's first national autism conference in Jakarta.
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