Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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Rights Of The Child

Currently, Indonesia and other countries often we see, hear and read the electronic media and print media who have abused children, abandoned and even murdered their rights by their own parents or by his life difficult.

Their human rights, as if there are more torn by people who are least responsible. Not only adults who have rights, children should be entitled to the child. The rights of these children is recognized in the Convention on the Rights issued by the United Nations in 1989. Under the agreement, all children, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry or language has 4 basic rights, namely:

•  the right to survival

These include the right to a dignified life and health. This means that children have a right to good nutrition, adequate housing and perwatan good health when he became ill.

•  The right to grow

They include the right to receive education, information, entertainment, creative arts and culture, and rights of disabled children, as they are entitled to treatment and special education.

•  Right to Participation

It allowed freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly and to participate in decisions that affect them. So if adults especially parents should not impose its will on the children because they may be the force of will can lead to mental stress of children.

•  the protection is

This includes protection from all forms of exploitation, cruel and arbitrary criminal justice process, as well as in other cases. Examples of abuse that we see most often is to recruit children under.

And so it is good for parents, schools and other institutions related to reevaluate the child, if all the rights of children are met / achieved.
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