Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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Left Brain / Right Brain Part 3

That the brain is physically divided into right and left does not a new discovery. The Egyptians knew that the left side of the brain  manage feelings and got the right side of the body and vice versa.

Only in the last two decades, however, that the true focus on the left / right division has gradually become apparent, through the work of several researchers. The most famous are probably Dr. Roger Sperry and Dr. Robert Ornstein, California Institute of Technology. Their work won them a Nobel Prize.

Sperry and Ornstein said that the left hemisphere, and the rig are connected by a complex network of nerves 300 million pa fibers called the corpus callosum. They are also able to show that half of the brain usually have different functions.

They and other investigators indicate that the left brain primarily seems to deal with linguistic and logical-mathematical methods and thought, sequence analysis and what is generally academic label pursuits. right hemisphere is mainly involved in music and visual impressions, images, spatial models, and color fidelity. They also assigns the right brain's ability to process certain conceptual thinking - Intangible "ideas" such as love, loyalty, beauty.

Rear view of both sides of your brain functions and their likely Half of the specialization of the brain can lead to some strange behavior. Patients who for medical reasons, have seen their corpus callosum severed, two brains are actually semi-independent: two souls in the head. If a ball is shown to the left visual field of such a person ieregistered their right hemisphere, half talking about brain, which is in the other (left) brain claim to have seen None. However, if patients are invited to hear the bag assorted forms correctly, pull the ball. If you ask him what is

In fact, they say "nothing." The ball has been observed with the law brain, and felt the right hemisphere. The Speech Center, which is the left cerebral hemisphere, has not. Even the more sensitive tests were performed surgically split-brain patients. The word is expected that these patients SINBAD although his eyes were focused on the place, and NB. The first 3 letters were sent to your right brain, the last three to left hemisphere. When asked to say what he had seen, he said the ADB.

When asked about the point with the left hand what he had seen, said the word sin. Specialization of the two brains was also demonstrated by measure the brain's electrical activity for several activities.

When the brain is relaxed in sleep mode, it is usually the main shows the alpha rhythm brain wave - that is, waves 8 / 10 cycles per second. Ornstein noted that the purpose tackle a math problem

There was an increase in the right hemisphere alpha. This showed the right side was resting while the left has been active and Therefore, a model of brain beta wave. In contrast, when a problem was color-coded patterns, the left seemed alpha (ie, had at rest) and on the right showed a beta (or work). Brain images reproduced in Chapter 7, show different levels of brain electrical activities of listening to music, words and songs.

The first action (music), the second right brain.The (Listening to the words alone) who are involved in the left hemisphere, but the song (lyrics and music together), covered the entire brain.

The left hemisphere is now considered a specialized environment in serial thinking, sequential, ie the analysis of information in the order "Logic" step by step approach. The right brain left rationalises.The seems to take a certain amount of information "at a glance 'and the process them in a single thought. The correct summary.

When you meet someone, it seems to be the right brain, where all items at once, and a summary of the model as a whole to recognize person immediately. If you use your left brain do would probably be the first hair analysis, and then the front then, eyes, nose, mouth and chin in a row to "build" the image. Correct

However, the brain recognizes the pattern right away. It is on the left the brain, which is dominant, such as mathematical calculations. E ' is the right hemisphere of the brain that processes non-verbal cues.

We came as a society to emphasize and value greater than left cerebral hemisphere functions. Analytical thinking physical are generally more valuable (in money) than the artistic and intuition of a musician or an artist. Most schools relegate dominant right hemisphere activity for two or three times a week.

However, those schools that have tried to add a piece of art subjects have found that the levels of all grades improved. Why, even if half of the brain may actually be specialized, which are far from isolated. Each completed and improves the performance of another.

Education that stresses analytical thinking is literally "one mentality. "As one psychologist said," the brain of these people are systematically corrupted. In many ways, they are educated. "
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