Sunday, May 1, 2011

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The Basis Of Memory Part 1

There is no learning without memory. The primitive creature who learns just instinctive reflex behavior by repeated exposure to a particular set of circumstances that memorists Polish who have memorized word for word, all 12 volumes of the Talmud, learning involves memory. But surprisingly, there is still no agreement on how memory works.

This book is about the evolution of an advanced and accelerated learning, not a comprehensive textbook on psychology. However, it is important that you are familiar with the latest findings on the memory of clinical psychology.

More than a memory

Most psychologists agree that there are at least two memories: the short-term memory and long-term memory. The short-term memory, as Dr. Alan Baddeley describes seems to be working memory. If you want to multiply 28 x 3 in the head, you should use short-term memory to do the calculations, then, if they were big enough, make the answer to your long term memory. The short-term memory is, in effect, a temporary storage device.

When you read a sentence, is your short-term memory, which retains the words in a sentence long enough to sense the whole sentence. Then, it is important, not the individual words that are transferred to your long-term memory. In the long-term memory is a system of permanent storage, which can be done to remember.

The short-term memory seems to analyze the long-term memory seems to be synthesized. Interestingly, the design work has been devoted to the production of computers has recognized this distinction.

The computer has been divided into working memory - Random Access Memory (RAM), which is part of the processing and computing and storage space called the read (ROM). If you turn off your computer's RAM contents disappear, just as a short-term memory seem to be.

They should be stored on a disk or tape (or incorporated as a permanent ROM chip) when stored permanently.

How short is short?

There have been some interesting experiments designed to evaluate the time horizon of short-term memory. If you take a glow stick from a fire and turn quickly in the dark, it would seem

produce a circle filled with light. This is because the sensory memory - a specialized part of your short memory - retains the image of the light long enough for the real light to return to its starting point on the circle.

Similarly, a film is a series of still images with very short dark periods in between. To view the film as a continuous action, keep the image the last image in its short-term memory until the appearance in the table below, and link them together so as to produce an impression of continuous movement.

The time sensors of this type of short-term memory is likely to be about 1 / 10 sec. The period of short-term memory is working memory - to calculate or read - it is some debate. Baddeley conducted experiments on the way were the words of memory. He said the number of long words were recalled less well than the number of short words, probably because people

In order to recall the list, were sub-vocalization of words, ie, listening to the words `ear their minds."

Obviously, the longer term, the longer it took to sub-articulate them, and subjects could not recall as much as they could say in 15 seconds. As might be predicted by theory, fast talkers could


Waugh and Norman researchers wrote in the `Psychological Review," confirmed in 1965 that the number of independent tracks, a person can remember after a single presentation rarely exceeds 10 - on

the same number can be spoken or heard in the ear of your mind in 15 seconds.

It is also the auditory and visual short-term memory, and found that reading aloud is helpful because it helped to register (tag), the material in the short-term store as well as auditory short-term visual store.

This is important because other researchers have found that the testing process involved in the sub-vocalization, is essential for the transfer of information from short-term memory and long term. Unless something is repeated, it loses the short-term memory, and do not enter the long-term memory.

Other researchers also calculate a short-term memory of about 15 seconds in duration. Carroll (1966) takes this work simultaneous translators who have to keep a phrase or phrases in their short-term memory and bring with only the briefest of delays. The same indication (of a duration of 15 seconds) is implicit in the ability of clerks to take 10-15 seconds worth of proof before printing.

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