Friday, April 1, 2011

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Children Learn To Overcome Laziness

Children do not want to learn or lazy to read the instruction manual, parents are often complaints. The children want to watch TV, like soap operas, movies, or play with their peers.

If the child does not learn, it is assumed that learning is an activity that is less fun to play or watch. Support for children who are lazy to learn is to make children think learning is fun activities, exciting, or to make them understand that learning is a necessity.

To learn more, here are some tips for dealing with lazy children are:

* To inculcate children with the knowledge that learning is an obligation and responsibility as students, whose results will be achieved in the future.

* Give an example of a child. Parents can also read books that are useful when children are learning.

* Parents should also inculcate a culture of reading in a family atmosphere.

* Create a fun learning environment. Creating a child learning attractive, pleasant and not lazy in the classroom.

* Give your child the motivation to learn and fines should not approach children to immerse themselves in the heart of a friend of the child. Do not allow children to know forcing children, especially in a rough way.

* Encourage children to their favorite gift, or just a nice compliment if the value of children. This will help motivate children.

* Should parents be open with the kids getting into trouble found, why lazy learning that can make your passion for learning and so on. Help your child solve these problems.

* Choose the most appropriate time for children to learn. Parents should also help the child by not watching TV or listening to loud music.

* Take the time to learn this will be a daily routine, and parents should be involved and to help children with learning difficulties.

* In addition to regular study time, also give enough time to play, view and interact with friends.

For those who have other suggestions, please share it here. We hope to help other families.

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