1. Let the child find your own interests. Note the chosen activities. This game is not any time to say much about where his gifts lie.
2. Expose your child to a wide spectrum of experience. They may activate latent talent. Do not assume that she is not gifted in the area because he showed no interest.
3. Giving your child permission to make mistakes. If he had to do things properly, he will never take the risks required to find and develop the gift.
4. Ask questions. Help your children open themselves to him the wonders of the world by asking interesting questions: Why is the sky blue? Find the answer together.
5. Plan a special project of the family. Creativity together to raise and develop new talent.
6. Do not push your child to learn. If children sent to special education every day in the hope to develop their talents, they may become overly stressed or tired to shine. Encourage, but not encouraging.
7. Have high expectations. But make them realistic.
8. Sharing your work life. Expose your child to picture success by taking him to work. Let him see you engaged in meaningful activities and enable him to get involved.
9. To provide a rich sensory environment. What material around the home that will stimulate the senses: finger paints, percussion instruments, and puppets.
10. Take care of your own passion for learning alive. Your child will be influenced by your example.
11. Do not limit your child with the label. They may have a saddle with a reputation that is not appropriate inner gifts.
12. Playing games together as a family.
13. Have regular family time to read, listen to music, talking.
14. Having reference materials available to give your child access to the world.
15. Allow your child to participate in community activities that interest.
16. Using humor, jokes, silly stories to encourage creativity.
17. Do not criticize or judge the things your child. He may give up on talent if it was evaluated.
18. Play with your child to show your own sense of play.
19. Sharing your success as a family. Talk about the good things that happened during the day to increase self-esteem.
20. Provide your child with access to the school, home or public library computers.
21. Listen to your child. The things that he cares about most may give directions for the specific talents.
22. Give your child a special space at home to be creative.
23. Praise your child's sense of responsibility at home when he was assigned the job done.
24. Visit new places as a family.
25. Give your child toys open. Toys like blocks and dolls encourage imaginative play.
26. Give your child unstructured time to just daydream and wonder.
27. Share their inspirational stories of those who succeed in life.
28. Do not feed your child with rewards. Using incentives to get children to do to send the message that learning is not beneficial in itself
29. Suggest that your child join the peer group that focuses on the gifts.
30. Discuss the news to spark interest.
31. Prevent gender bias. Expose your child's best feminine and masculine toys and activities.
32. Avoid comparing your child with someone else. Help your child compare himself with his own past performance.
33. So parents who are competent.
34. Use the event to enable people and institutions of interest. Take a trip to the library, museums, concerts, drama.
35. Give the gift that keeps your child's strengths.
36. Push your child to think about his future. Support without direct vision of himself to each particular field.
37. Introduce your child to the exciting and affordable.
38. Think of your home as a place to learn. Large kitchen to teach mathematics and science through cooking.
39. Share your feelings. Gift a child can be hampered by emotional pressed.
40. Push your child to read.
41. Respect your child's creations.
42. Do something with your child in his interest.
43. Teach your children to believe in intuition and believe in himself.
44. Give your child choices. This building needs and initiatives of fuel.
45. Show your child how to use the books for more interest. For example, "how to" books to learn "hands-on".
46. Set aside the area home to show his creations and awards.
47. Push your child to overcome the difficult areas for him. Help him learn to cope with limitations.
48. Be the liaison between your child's special talents and the real world. Helped him to find outlets for her talents.
49. Introduce children's literature that respects and develops a prize. Books such as the Small Engine That could encourage "can do" attitude.
50. Accept your child as he or she is.
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