Monday, June 6, 2011

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Know The Three Learning Styles

Everyone has a different destination, at least not in the way of learning. All people have different learning styles. For a teacher, it is very important to know their students' learning styles, so they taught him to get better results by setting their students learning styles.

Often neglected by teachers, if there are students who can not sit quietly. Often, these students considered rude. Students may have done this because the teacher gives a way of teaching, which does not meet these students' learning styles, so it is difficult to understand the lesson and bored.

Research suggests that there are many categories of learning styles of students. However, the much-discussed learning styles and be a little discussion here in the last three, namely: visual-spatial, auditory and auditory and kinesthetic / physical.

1. Style and visual / spatial

student's visual style, preferring to use photographs, drawings, color schemes, and maps to convey information and communicate with others. He enjoys reading, writing, scribbling like paper, like reading a story to hear stories, do quick addition or multiplication, chip in the spelling of words, and ordered that all are often recorded.

Students of this type can easily visualize objects, plans and results Minds Eye. also good opportunities for physical so easy to understand maps.

To teach visual learners, use photographs, drawings, colors and other visual aids to help them learn. Using stationery (markers, chalk, etc) colors.Many use at least four "visual word" in the sentence. For example, see the picture, perspective, representations, and map.

Use a mind map (mind map) to explain or take notes. Using a system diagram to help visualize the relationship between parts of the system.

Use specific techniques to help students remember to say this content is not easy to "see." Some professions, mostly visual style are visual arts, architecture, photography, video or film, design, planning (especially strategic), and navigation.

2. Style Hearing / Aural

Students of this type may like to study or work with sound and music. It has a sensitivity of tone and rhythm. Usually can sing, play an instrument, or to recognize the sounds of different instruments. Some music has a strong influence on emotions.

For students learning style canal using a lot of noise, rhythm and music. Read the material with a loud voice that makes Q & A session, discussion, listening to music or working groups

Use a shortcut key (donkey bridge) with interesting rhythms of a song or jingle to remember something.

The need to access content using the voice of the association and visualization. For example, the sounds of the animals when you learn about biology, the sound speed of the motor learning of physics.

3. Style kinesthetic / physical

learning style questionnaire is to learn through doing something right (to move, work and touching students who have learning styles requires the individual to make an application that provides some information so that he could remember or understand something.

Kinesthetic learners can not bear to stay too long listening to the experience and felt I could learn better if the process is accompanied by physical activity. Profits, they have the ability to coordinate a team for the possibility of controlling the movement of body (athletic ability). Not infrequently, students tend to have these characters more easily absorb and understand information by drawing a picture or word then learn to speak or understand the facts.

properties students are encouraged to learn through experience by using different models of visual aids that work in the laboratory or study in the wild or while you play. There is also a need to regularly set aside time for a rest in the middle of time to study. Try learning sessions that involve physical activity such as drama, poetry reading, or a simple game.

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