Sunday, June 12, 2011

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Forced to eat, children can Trauma

The appetite is the same for children with adults. Sometimes down, sometimes laughing. Gently forcing children to spend their food when it is not tasteful. Perhaps the child can further trauma and difficult to eat.

Zyfa (4 years) is very difficult to eat. Every time she saw her mother make bowls and spoons, and screaming. You do not want, does not eat, he wept. Confused mother address the situation. In addition, Zyfa difficult to drink milk. Zyfa Agency is also thin. Zyfa only eating her favorite food is fried eggs and biscuits. due to the forced labor of Trauma

According Fitriani, Psi, MPSI, Director of Insan-Lantern Child Development Education Center, coercion eating in childhood, the result is not good for children's development. Children experience fears that a severe restriction in the eating process. Especially when it comes crammed spoons forced drinking or fear of ghosts and so on. Fear can cause trauma, solid psychologist who likes to read and analyze this sunatullah.

Children with trauma to the food and things related to the activities of eating will be more difficult to eat because she tends not to cause trauma to the face. Fuss, the trauma can continue into adulthood. The same behavior may cause annoyance or does not take into account certain foods.

Federal disgust, which is Another is that the child ate trauma associated with something else because he does not like certain foods. For example, threw a child and did not feel vomiting delicious. Children see vomiting in the form of puree. Or, when he had a runny nose, cough, he looked through the nose like the juice of avocado. It may be that children associate vomiting with a dough or runny nose and avocado juice. Sensing the child integrate the software soft food in disgust. So, when offered juice or porridge avocado direct the child refused to do.

Other objects of form, injuries can occur when, when eaten with rice and egg omelet, for example, his father scolded him. The real cause of anger is not because the father. Children eat rice and scrambled eggs. However, children can mengasosiakan the rice and omelet provoke angry father. Akbatnya, traumatized children eat rice and scrambled eggs for fear of father scold him again. Every time you eat eggs, children will be a reminder of events made him feel without children

Toddler critical period

According Fitriani, while children aged 2-5 years, is the period for vulnerable children. In those days children medium-hard difficulty eating. Thus, if a child is difficult to eat at that age can still be considered reasonable. But of course, parents should not remain silent when children refused to eat. Because if the child has tolerated leaner and far less enthusiastic malnourished activities. If this situation persists, the child may be lazy, lazy, do not continue because of his physical health, says the mother of three, said.

To overcome these circumstances, parents must convince a number of different ways with create a pleasant dining atmosphere. Take time to prepare the menu and calls child to look at pictures in cookbooks. At times, menus make favorite son. However, not only the wishes of one child until the nutrients are not balanced because it varies. At this critical period to avoid is to keep parents to lose patience with a warning or a child's physical action.

If the various efforts have been made, but the kids do not want to eat. Also, when a heavy. Normal body then the child should be taken to a pediatrician, a nutritionist or digestive systems specialist children. Physicians should consider whether the child is not eating because there are enzymes, which have not worked or are currently suffering from particular infection. If after an inspection found no problems, then the possibility of trauma. The children's diets can be concluded. However, according Fitriana trautamis Concert as food for the children is actually very rare. Another way to make children like to eat is to provide workload

Energy of the past. For example, entering the child in the swimming club or clubs other sports. Take the kids to exercise, the children were hungry. Therefore, their needs eat up.

Eating happily

The best way to prevent trauma do not want to eat it with the knowledge, attitudes and correct behavior regarding infant feeding. Parents need to learn the steps eat right. Not yet time for the child eat the rice, the rice was given. Or conversely, that and should be eating rice, mashed or mixed yet. Finally

The same trauma of rice. In addition, the type and form of food, nutrition can not be used in a way that is very negative, aggressive or torture. When the anger of mothers or caregivers often in child feeding, Then the child to sit in the activity the same meal unpleasant.

As the principles of the kindergarten room and learn what makes a pleasant atmosphere learning, then pleasant atmosphere in the dining atmosphere is created. However, keep in mind that in the performance of the education that parents should not forget the ethics of eating, like reading a sentence, take the right seat. Not used eat in the street because they conform to Islamic morality, said Fitriani, Masters in Psychology

This development.

Creates a warm atmosphere while eating does not spend hours eat. Parents still have to remind my children when they broke the rules. Sorry, do not eat running. Sorry to throw a house to eat chicken, and so on. Finally, do not forget to sentence after the children have finished their meals. Happy mother as smart Zyfa eat. Insha Allah Zyfa body stay healthy by eating healthy and nutritious food. Among provide comfort and discipline must fall now for a good meal but continues to monitor the discipline to be done in accordance with Islamic morality.

Eat more and more appetite

Some of these tips is a way to stimulate the appetite of the child. When tastes increases, so parents need not force the child to eat.

1. Feeding children on a regular basis. Thus, each comes the power supply is formed reflex in children who may saliva and gastric juice are extremely useful for the digestive process is perfect. Regularity It also allows children who suffer from hunger because of intermittent abdominal 04.03 hours that the child does not eat anything.

2. Creating Variations food menu and create a pleasant dining room.

3. Do not to sweet snacks like candy or chocolate, Between the hours of eating. These foods may reduce the stimulation of the central room in the brain. As a result, the appetite child is abandoned.

4. Do not to scold, scream, let alone as a child because of not eating. Explain the consequences that would arise if not eat. Or just want to eat food only.

5. If tastes of children do not grow as well, so take her to the doctor for further investigations. Make sure that no infectious diseases or other disorders who have had children.
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