The normal active child. In fact, they tend to bring the benefits of being active. For example, the active si so know more about things for exploration more often than other children. Thanks to movements that almost never end, also an active child's motor skills improved. "I think, the better children are moving because he will learn something more. While the children more often silent, apart motoriknya less trained, too many things that can not be known to the child. Kepasifannya but may interfere with children's creativity and initiative later.
If active the difficult problem especially if asked to secretly summoned to sleep, is due to active the greater mobility than other children. The active desire to always beraktiviti is finally making it difficult to be asked to sleep, especially a nap. "Every child does have a variety of sleep needs, active children may need a little more sleep and we often find them difficult to be invited to sleep.
Even so, it is asserted that children batita must have enough rest, especially for those who are up early in the morning. "Best Rest sleeping state. So batita really should sleep during the day."
Rest less would be seen in physical conditions that ultimately affect the health situation in general. In addition, active children often can not control the activities so it is possible that he was actually very tired but still force yourself to play.
But remember, do not let children forced to sleep with a variety of threats. Although children eventually want to do it but it was not because consciousness unless forced.
This suggested a few things are more willing to make your toddler sleep:
1. Make scheduled events
The initial step can be done is to schedule the activities of children in one day. This table can be used as a criterion in any child should wake up, shower, eat, nap, until a routine night. The table can be initially difficult. But at least with the schedule was arranged, so the little ones accustomed to doing regularly. So try to comply with the schedule so that it is used. When children are able to adapt, it's easy for us to ask for extra. On the other hand, no child tables will be used to not do anything and anytime. "Maybe later on non-elderly who deal with children but also children who handle routine, also operates his parents."
So he batita still easy to direct, create kesehariannya schedule as early as possible. But remember, parents need to introduce fun activities in the routine's little, it does not feel pressured. Tables should also be flexible and not rigid. For example, when no relatives to visit, your child may just not have to follow the nap schedule in order to play with his brother.
2. Plan a relaxing sleep
For example, by putting his favorite toys or things that children love, such as pillows, and other rolling on the bed. Alternatively, try dongengkan stories that children love. Choose a didactic story so that it can cite the case of a given positive tale. Set a very good voice already done. For example, early in the story we heard a very loud voice. Along with berjalannya tale, slowly diminished. When children see is like a blind eye. lirihkan voice and for voice seemed to fade.
When the child is required or requested, for the kind of "ritual" before bed. For example, all go to sleep, it must read the story, saying good night to the puppets and others. Essentially, any ritual that you want, try to be met, including when they want to do games like wrestling, Smack down, and the like before going to bed. "But do not forget to get continuity to children, but limit yourself to sleep and ask your child to sleep immediately.
3. Create a comfortable environment
The rooms are comfortable and convenient can be created in various ways. One of decorating a room with pictures and toys that are loved. A pleasant atmosphere will encourage children to stand in the room. However, avoid decorations that are too many because it will make it like to play. "The atmosphere relaxed, sometimes dim light is needed to make children sleep easier.
Not only that, the behavior of the elderly are sometimes needed to make your child fall asleep faster. Like, pretend to close my eyes, not speaking, not much moved, and so on. By looking at his parents "had gone to sleep" can cause children to do the same. So do not even make the concentration of the child to sleep dispersed, with the switch on television for example. "In television there are many interesting until the child interested to see it. If so, it is difficult for him to shut his eyes."
4. Music Alunkan tranquilizers
As an alternative to the little want to close my eyes, trying to sleep accompanied by the voices of calm. As with broadcast classical music, or voice recordings expressing considering that, like waterfalls, waves, and others. From research, soothing voices to make children feel more comfortable. In this situation the child will be easier to be invited to sleep.
If it does not
But be aware, too, may be the old crook to make active the nap, did not work. According Neneng, do not overly worried about this. Because in fact the only beraktiviti quiet in bed; to hear this tale, or play the same puppets are made to rest. "Sleep is very important day be applied to children. However, when in fact the old man had a hard time even get them to sleep at night, can we just sacrifice sleep loss of remembrance and in the evening, when the energy is drained, the child would be easier to sleep.
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