Sunday, July 17, 2011

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Training Tips Courage and Survival

In broad outline, training, courage and survival can be run simultaneously. The same measures expected to produce two positive things at once. But parents should realize there is nothing immediately well as all it takes. What do I do? These include:

1. Produced basic trust

Basic trust are formed from baby. But after batita all, parents should give positive response to the needs of children. That way the child will feel secure / safe in life. Children feel secure, in turn bolder mengadapi challenges that lay before him. It was once more independent in solving the question.

2. Give concrete examples

Parents who tend to have a closed character, refuses to do something serbabaru, narrow face, should not expect children to grow into a personal batitanya bold and independent. The simplest example is the elderly who want to teach her to swim, but he himself feared in the water. If so where might the result be a maximum? Remember, children need clear examples of how the later act should be bold and independent. Thus children have a picture to copy it more easily.

For parents who feel can not give concrete examples on batitanya, of course not be discouraged. There are steps that can be done, namely by not transferring the "fear" in children directly in front of the children. Even if it appears, ask others in the family to remind you.

3. Set restrictions on the right

The prohibition provided for children must be accompanied by a logical reason. When the child sharpen his courage by playing outside the gate, we recommend that older people are not intimidated by things that can not be held responsible. Semisal saying that the child will be bitten by a dog, tempted by demons and so on.

Remember, the mindset of children this age are very concrete. The fear does not have to be arrested brain to be a true statement. Finally, the children so it does not go out the fence at all. This clearly prevents the formation of courage and self within the child.

4. Give a belief in children

Give the belief in the child fields are willing to do. If you want to put their own child eat their own dishes in a dish clothes, do not directly melecehkannya. Give it the trust and the opportunity to try. Do not worry too batita will complete the plates are just as expensive. Beliefs acquired child will make ever tested the courage and survival.

5. Do not give too much stimulus

Remember, the level through which children grow tier to tier. That is why we need an understanding of the environment, especially the elderly, the stimuli were given must be tailored to the child's development. Too much too soon stimulations, in the end will only make the children confused and lost his courage to do something. Children will think of things as requested parents and ultimately wrong because too many commando but then scolded, better not do it at all.

Similarly, the example of the captured children unilaterally without straightening the environment. For example, children gain knowledge about a case from the television. Could be the only film that is certainly not the same as reality. However, because children will not get the understanding that it is so regarded it as something real. Especially in this age children can not distinguish real events and which are updated / engineered as a spectacle. Impressions of force, for example, can only mean that the world is not safe as it is witnessed. As a result, not impossible to prevent the development of the courage of children.

6. Do not induce

Courage and survival of children may develop slowly. So, do not force your child to quickly master all the things taught immediately. Parents who want their independence wake her with a ritual bath directly, without having to "romp" first, for example. Should not force your child to master it once taught and then at the next day everything was running smoothly. Chatting and always think about how to do it properly. Too often hurl criticism for its failure will only make a brave declined alias down.

Be dominated Age 3 Years Child

Older people can see how batitanya courageous and independent. The list below can be molded. You may decide that your child has not mastered, try carefully again, who knows there is something that should be immediately "made up".
Courage Survival. Son seems flexible with its new environment. Dare to meet and greet at the entrance to the new environment. Adhesiveness with the elderly has been declining. To ask of any company. It is courageous to own private bathroom, bedroom self and others.
  • Development of training motoriknya bicycle wheels enable it to dare 4.
  • Dare to try games like monkey traps, Degradability, skip-stepping and so on.
  • Dare to ask critically about things that do not correspond to his mind.
  • It is responsible for routine activities, such as waking up at all bathroom without fussy, when bath would clean my teeth properly and so on.It is growing awareness of eating, sleeping, drinking milk, and so on. At least, it need not show a fuss again in connection with these activities.
  • The development of enabling the motor may wear their own shoes and put back in place after use.
  • Responsible to the piece by means of it after use, and return to the place again. Completed at least appear to do their own consciousness though there is outreach from adults around them.

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