Thursday, July 7, 2011

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Is the bed wetting problem for your child?

Although make water (or primary nocturnal enuresis) is normal for preschoolers and disasters of almost half of Americans age of three years, is considered a serious problem by most parents. Although awakened to a child crying, wet sheets in the middle of the night can be tiring, imagine how your child feels.

Make water happen. I say this because the make water usually caused by poor bladder control - both bladder children under-developed or he can not himself up in time to get up and empty.

There are other possible reasons for wetting the bed and the biggest one is stress. A sudden change in the life of a child or table can cause a child who is usually dry to begin to make water rise. Events like divorce, disease, the elderly, changes in care providers, etc can make a toilet-trained children to return to the previous behavior.

Although a special fear is that the wet bed with several diseases, bladder infection affects less than 2% of children who make water. It is easy enough to find a bladder infection - find straining when urinating, pain or urinary complaints that appear cloudy or tinged with blood. A child who has a bladder or kidney infections can also wet himself during the day. Children who have diabetes are also prone to make water.

Another reason to make water more fun - children who have been sexually harassed have been sleeping wet. If your child shows a sudden change in the ability to make it through the night without make water, it is best to take him to the doctor for children to get rid of the disease and felt.

Make water considerations:

1. Do you have a family history make water? Are you or your spouse or relative make water as a child? Make water is a common and often seen in the family.

2. Make a graph of how many drinks your child, what types of activities involved in during the day and how often they urinate to see if any patterns emerge. For example, if your child tends to wet the bed when he had more to drink than usual? (In particular, watch out for orange juice and caffeinated soda.)

3. Is your child make water when there's a problem with the previous day's incident demoralize? What do you think is the stress may be different for your child. Remember stress stimuli that are considered excessive. For example, if your child is spending the night at the home of a relative after family members met many foreigners, it may make water.

What Parents Can Do about Wetting Child Bed:

1. Refrain from embarrassing your child. Accept that this is something you have to go through as a family. It is very unlikely that your children make water on purpose, to show compassion and sensitivity.

2. Make sure your child is hydrated throughout the day, so you can refrain from giving extra fluids at bedtime. Try to stop giving him fluids two hours before bed if possible. Make sure he is urinating just before up to the bed.

3. If you have probems toddler bed wetting, encourage your child to wear training pants, until it can dry up three consecutive nights. Note the progress to encourage him. Back to training pants if it is wet himself and began to count the days, but do not make them feel failed.

4. Use a plastic cover over the bed. If your child is wetting the bed, you can change the sheets or directly on a wet towel and wash in the morning. If your child insists on having a clean sheet, ask him to help you change the bed.

5. Some medical professionals think that children who wet the bed may have a problem with his circadian Rhythm. Thinking is that children like drops in the bed so fast that it can not own up to urinate. According to professionals, the solution is to develop your child about an hour after she went to sleep. Give him talk to him until his eyes open kissand, and let her drift back to sleep. It is believed that this would help him into a more progressive level, up until it could get up himself if he felt like urinating.

4. Explain to your sister that make water is not a relative they can help. Tell them not to seduce. Involve them in promoting sleep when it got wet with dry pants.

5. Proceed with confidence. Know that with time and maturity, make water your child will overcome the sleeping child.

6. If you suspect that your child has a urinary tract infection, diabetes, or some other medical problems or have contact with individuals reliable, take it to your child's doctor.
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