The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard University. This shows that the traditional idea of ??intelligence based on IQ tests, is too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to account for the broader human potential in children and adults. These intelligences are:
* Linguistic intelligence (word smart)
* Logical-mathematical intelligence (number / reasoning smart)
* Spatial intelligence (picture smart)
* Physical-Kinesthetic intelligence (body smart)
* Musical intelligence (music smart)
* Interpersonal intelligence (people smart)
* Intrapersonal intelligence (self smart)
* Naturalist intelligence (nature smart)
Dr. Gardner says that our schools and culture focus most of their attention on linguistic intelligence and logical-mathematical. We appreciate those who are very clever or logical than our culture. However, Dr. Gardner says that we must put equal attention on individuals who show gifts in other intelligences: the artists, architects, musicians, naturalists, designers, dancers, therapists, entrepreneurs, and others who enrich the world in which we life. Unfortunately, children who have a lot of these gifts do not receive much reinforcement for them in school. Many of the children, in fact, eventually labeled "learning," "ADD (attention deficit disorder, 'or underperformed, when their unique ways of thinking and learning are not addressed in the weight class linguistic or logical-mathematical theory of multiple intelligences suggests . transform the way we run schools. This shows that teachers are trained to present their studies in a variety of ways using music, cooperative learning, art activities, role playing, field trips, multimedia, in reflection, and much more (see Multiple Intelligences in class). The good news is that the intelligence theory has gained the attention of many diverse educators throughout the state, and hundreds of schools currently using philosophy to redesign the way to educate their children bad news is that there are thousands of schools still out there who teach the same old dull way, through dry lectures and boring work sheets and books .. The challenge is to get this information to more teachers, school administrators, and others who work with children, so that each children have the opportunity to learn in a way that is in harmony with their unique minds (see it on their own).
The theory of multiple intelligences also has strong implications for adult learning and development. Many adults find themselves in jobs that do not utilize the most advanced intelligence their optimum (for example, a very kinesthetic-bodily persons trapped in the work of linguistic or logical table when it will be much happier in a job where they can move, such as a leader recreational activities, ranger, or physical therapy). The theory of multiple intelligences gives adults a new way to look at their lives, review their potential left in childhood (such as love for art or drama) but now have the opportunity to develop through courses, hobbies, or other personal development programs (see the seven kinds of smart).
How to Teach or Learn Anything 8 Different Way
One of the most remarkable features of the theory of multiple intelligences is how to provide eight different potential paths to learning. If teachers have difficulty achieving students in linguistic or logical way to the more traditional of the User, the theory of multiple intelligences suggests several other ways in which the material can be presented to facilitate effective learning. Are you a Kindergarten teacher, teaching high school graduates or adult learners to find a better way to pursue their own learning on each topic of interest, the same policy guidelines occur. Whatever you teach or learn, to see how you can connect with
* Words (linguistic intelligence)
* Numbers or logic (logical-mathematical intelligence)
* Photo (spatial intelligence)
* Ringing (musical intelligence)
* Reflection themselves (intrapersonal intelligence)
* Physical experience (bodily-kinesthetic intelligence)
* Social experience (interpersonal intelligence), and / or
* Experience in the universe. (Naturalist intelligence)
For example, if you teach or learn about the laws of supply and demand in the economy, you may read about it (linguistic), study mathematical formulas that express it (logical-mathematical), review graphics graphic illustrates the principle (spatial), complying with environmental laws in the world (naturalist) or in the world of human trafficking (interpersonal); examine the law in the case of your own body [eg when you supply your body with plenty of food, hunger request down, when there is very little supply, demand stomach you to feed into the top and you get hungry] (kinesthetic-bodily and intrapersonal), and / or write a song (or find a song that already exists) that shows the law (perhaps Dylan "Nothing Too Much?.
You do not need to teach or learn something in all eight ways, just to see what possibilities, and then decide on your most interesting bands, or appears to be the most effective teaching or learning tools. The theory of multiple intelligences is very interesting because our horizons expand existing teaching / learning tools beyond the conventional methods of linguistics and logic used in most schools (eg lectures, books, writing task, formula, etc.). To start, put the topic of what you are interested to teach or learn about in the middle of a sheet of blank paper, and draw eight straight lines or "fingers" radiating out from this topic. Label each row with different intelligences. Then start brainstorming ideas for teaching or studying the topic and write down ideas next to each intelligence (this is a spatial-linguistic approach of brainstorming, you may want to do this in other ways as well, using tape-recorders, have the bulk of the opinion sessions, etc.). Have fun!
* Linguistic intelligence (word smart)
* Logical-mathematical intelligence (number / reasoning smart)
* Spatial intelligence (picture smart)
* Physical-Kinesthetic intelligence (body smart)
* Musical intelligence (music smart)
* Interpersonal intelligence (people smart)
* Intrapersonal intelligence (self smart)
* Naturalist intelligence (nature smart)
Dr. Gardner says that our schools and culture focus most of their attention on linguistic intelligence and logical-mathematical. We appreciate those who are very clever or logical than our culture. However, Dr. Gardner says that we must put equal attention on individuals who show gifts in other intelligences: the artists, architects, musicians, naturalists, designers, dancers, therapists, entrepreneurs, and others who enrich the world in which we life. Unfortunately, children who have a lot of these gifts do not receive much reinforcement for them in school. Many of the children, in fact, eventually labeled "learning," "ADD (attention deficit disorder, 'or underperformed, when their unique ways of thinking and learning are not addressed in the weight class linguistic or logical-mathematical theory of multiple intelligences suggests . transform the way we run schools. This shows that teachers are trained to present their studies in a variety of ways using music, cooperative learning, art activities, role playing, field trips, multimedia, in reflection, and much more (see Multiple Intelligences in class). The good news is that the intelligence theory has gained the attention of many diverse educators throughout the state, and hundreds of schools currently using philosophy to redesign the way to educate their children bad news is that there are thousands of schools still out there who teach the same old dull way, through dry lectures and boring work sheets and books .. The challenge is to get this information to more teachers, school administrators, and others who work with children, so that each children have the opportunity to learn in a way that is in harmony with their unique minds (see it on their own).
The theory of multiple intelligences also has strong implications for adult learning and development. Many adults find themselves in jobs that do not utilize the most advanced intelligence their optimum (for example, a very kinesthetic-bodily persons trapped in the work of linguistic or logical table when it will be much happier in a job where they can move, such as a leader recreational activities, ranger, or physical therapy). The theory of multiple intelligences gives adults a new way to look at their lives, review their potential left in childhood (such as love for art or drama) but now have the opportunity to develop through courses, hobbies, or other personal development programs (see the seven kinds of smart).
How to Teach or Learn Anything 8 Different Way
One of the most remarkable features of the theory of multiple intelligences is how to provide eight different potential paths to learning. If teachers have difficulty achieving students in linguistic or logical way to the more traditional of the User, the theory of multiple intelligences suggests several other ways in which the material can be presented to facilitate effective learning. Are you a Kindergarten teacher, teaching high school graduates or adult learners to find a better way to pursue their own learning on each topic of interest, the same policy guidelines occur. Whatever you teach or learn, to see how you can connect with
* Words (linguistic intelligence)
* Numbers or logic (logical-mathematical intelligence)
* Photo (spatial intelligence)
* Ringing (musical intelligence)
* Reflection themselves (intrapersonal intelligence)
* Physical experience (bodily-kinesthetic intelligence)
* Social experience (interpersonal intelligence), and / or
* Experience in the universe. (Naturalist intelligence)
For example, if you teach or learn about the laws of supply and demand in the economy, you may read about it (linguistic), study mathematical formulas that express it (logical-mathematical), review graphics graphic illustrates the principle (spatial), complying with environmental laws in the world (naturalist) or in the world of human trafficking (interpersonal); examine the law in the case of your own body [eg when you supply your body with plenty of food, hunger request down, when there is very little supply, demand stomach you to feed into the top and you get hungry] (kinesthetic-bodily and intrapersonal), and / or write a song (or find a song that already exists) that shows the law (perhaps Dylan "Nothing Too Much?.
You do not need to teach or learn something in all eight ways, just to see what possibilities, and then decide on your most interesting bands, or appears to be the most effective teaching or learning tools. The theory of multiple intelligences is very interesting because our horizons expand existing teaching / learning tools beyond the conventional methods of linguistics and logic used in most schools (eg lectures, books, writing task, formula, etc.). To start, put the topic of what you are interested to teach or learn about in the middle of a sheet of blank paper, and draw eight straight lines or "fingers" radiating out from this topic. Label each row with different intelligences. Then start brainstorming ideas for teaching or studying the topic and write down ideas next to each intelligence (this is a spatial-linguistic approach of brainstorming, you may want to do this in other ways as well, using tape-recorders, have the bulk of the opinion sessions, etc.). Have fun!
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