Child's temperament was obtained from the lineage of her parents. However, whatever type of temperamennya, ideal environmental conditions can help him grow into a personal interest.
Temperamentn + Environment = personality temperament, that's about matematisnya calculation of course does not occur despite stiff. Temperament, are carrying properties found children from both parents and grandfather-grandmother. If supported by a conducive environment, children with specific temperament can still grow a pleasant personality. So, when children show a tendency of certain temperament that is not expected, the task of tualah to mengkondisikannya within which can neutralize.
According to psychologists from the University of Tarumanegara, Jakarta, is essentially an individual temperament can be divided into four groups. The first trigger a Greek philosopher named Hipocrates (460-375 BC). Although it was later thousands of years ago, this theory is still relevant to be implemented. However, we remind Meiske said, "None of the four temperament that can be said to be really ideal. The best is when their tendency is the fourth type is in the child the right amount."
Type sanguine
Individuals with this personality type usually appears prominently on the environment. It tends to happy, cheerful, easy to close with another person, raconteur and has the properties of the other positive. Some people view this as a child relaxed, easy going, and not easily upset or sad.
In groups, children will be very simple bertemperamen visible because it had lots of friends and always be the center of attention. The environment as a pleasant judge. Happy to be able to make the nature of the surrounding atmosphere is quiet and monotonous life of an alias is always felt. Changing the environment to be happy sad or upset, it was not hard for her.
Parents who have a child with this temperament will always entertained. "Fun little guys to be a panacea for fatigue and regret sepulang work. However, he said, this kind do not ever be positive. Negative, children often can not distinguish the situation. It can, when facing a serious situation or in anguish that demands serenity and humble, but amusing little guys themselves, so stir up the atmosphere.
When carried up big, bertemperamen child will be seen as a figure that can not be called serious. Currently studying in class, for example, children will speak, and the storm itself. For that reason, needed an environment that may restrict it.
According to psychologists from the University of Tarumanegara, Jakarta, is essentially an individual temperament can be divided into four groups. The first trigger a Greek philosopher named Hipocrates (460-375 BC). Although it was later thousands of years ago, this theory is still relevant to be implemented. However, we remind Meiske said, "None of the four temperament that can be said to be really ideal. The best is when their tendency is the fourth type is in the child the right amount."
Type sanguine
Individuals with this personality type usually appears prominently on the environment. It tends to happy, cheerful, easy to close with another person, raconteur and has the properties of the other positive. Some people view this as a child relaxed, easy going, and not easily upset or sad.
In groups, children will be very simple bertemperamen visible because it had lots of friends and always be the center of attention. The environment as a pleasant judge. Happy to be able to make the nature of the surrounding atmosphere is quiet and monotonous life of an alias is always felt. Changing the environment to be happy sad or upset, it was not hard for her.
Parents who have a child with this temperament will always entertained. "Fun little guys to be a panacea for fatigue and regret sepulang work. However, he said, this kind do not ever be positive. Negative, children often can not distinguish the situation. It can, when facing a serious situation or in anguish that demands serenity and humble, but amusing little guys themselves, so stir up the atmosphere.
When carried up big, bertemperamen child will be seen as a figure that can not be called serious. Currently studying in class, for example, children will speak, and the storm itself. For that reason, needed an environment that may restrict it.
* Environmental be Prepared
Older people play an important role in shaping the personality of the child. Do not let old people bertemperamen sanguine and down on the children, thus creating the environment that makes it more uncontrollable.
This bertemperamen children should always be involved in a situation where he must be able to remain calm for a few seconds. "It is advisable to enroll in nursery school children or pre-Playgroup, until the child can understand the circumstances, he should be quiet and calm.
Since the beginning, the elderly and must have been taught about discipline in children. Thus, it will be understood as possible and which can not be done. Do not hesitate also to teach children to put themselves in certain circumstances. From there, expected to remain positive nature to grow, while gradually minimized negative side that would eventually send their children to grow into a pleasant personal
Type melancholy
Older people are quiet, introver, and tend to bury their own problems, we suggest preparing a child with a more or less the same temperament. Or it could be that her parents did not bertemperamen like this, but the grandfather neneknyalah down to the grandchildren.
Son of a melancholic temperament as a child that looks like depression, looked dejected and sad continues, a quiet, sentimental, and tend to not like crowds. At the age of this batita, its the most easy to be seen is the nature of the maudlin. That is why, each time encountering unpleasant situations, some children tend to withdraw and weep.
Child with this temperament are generally also seen as a difficult child. Not surprisingly, if the environment is easier to recognize the nature of negative than positive qualities also belong.
Front depressed and silent attitude caused by the inability of the child to express his feelings. This negative side of course, can interfere with development, especially in socio-emotional aspects. Children will be difficult to mix with anyone, including the problems of communication or emotional closeness with parents and family.
* Environmental be Prepared
If found that children tend to bertemperamen melancholy, we encourage parents to be more careful. She felt so delicate and easily hurt. However, it can not express what she feels. Even if the child has one, greeted him must be fine with staying focused on the offense committed. Do not let it dibentak or harmed, because it will make wounded. If you get this, it does not get benefits such as the expected change in the attitude of parents.
As often as possible, fill the child to meet his friends. By doing so, they will learn a lot from the environment, including how to treat them. Since the beginning should parents also have to show proximity to the child. "Because after the adults later, the child with this temperament can only be open on the figure that really close to it. Who did not win a shocking number of children desperate action appears bertemperamen melancholic suicide.
Type Choleric
Children with this type will generally be seen striking while in between friends, because it looks agile, energetic, and almost never quiet. It already has the talent to lead, while Wills grace hard to learn and develop. The most easy to be observed at this age a child is hard work to learn to walk, talk, or feed themselves. "Toddlers do not want to see give up before its truly successful. It is also seen more easily respond to the stimulus given environment.
However, do not ever give a positive influence temperament. It may be that it was too excited until I realized that behavior can hurt yourself. Due to continuous learning, for example, your toddler can also fatigue. Another thing that must Watch, the child will likely ignore this bertemperamen feelings of others, it is difficult to compromise on the efforts and sufferings of others are doing, and do not like seeing other children whine. This attitude appears as itself not a whiner. Little realizing it was visible prefer results to be achieved. In extreme conditions, it even does not care how others do the same.
* Environmental be Prepared
Instead, more parents taught the value of empathy to the child. "Start with simple things semisal when looking at street children, parents can enter the little moral message. Cultivate the sense of how the suffering of street children who could be age. Thus, the feeling was so much terasah children.
Occasionally, children should also be brought on failure. Experiences like this are forced to understand that not all the effort he does will be fruitful as expected. In addition, given the opportunity as widely as possible on the children to socialize so that he is trained to face a variety of conditions while quoting some of its environmental benefits.
Child with this temperament tend to slow catch and do something. Her behavior seems slow, well-relaxed, but tend to lazy. Is not surprising that the level of development seems slow too, because all that related to intellectual development, socio-emotional, motor, physical, and so on.
* Environmental be Prepared
It must be admitted that the task of parents who have children bertemperamen phelgmatic is so little heavier. The right stimulus should continue to be given to children of this type. The system also needs to be implemented because of competition could encourage children to be more enthusiastic.
Actually temperament of children in the age batita still be "formed" and negative behavior can still be corrected. Phelgmatic temperament will not be dominant when the environment is not supported. So, although children bertemperamen lelet, if everyone around them to drive him to continue, sooner or later it will also be affected.
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