Thursday, July 21, 2011

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50 Ways to Bring Out Your Child's Best

Richard easy to play with mechanical devices. For six years, it took the alarm clock. At 9, he helped his father improve the mower. In high school, he spent many hours ripping and reconstruct the stereo equipment. Now, as young adults, he is a sound engineer for a professional theater company. Parents Richard encourage interest in their early, which helped him become a successful adult. However, Richard has never been labeled "gifted." In fact, it is having trouble with math in school. Definition of "gifted children" have been traditionally based on school-related skills and limited to 5 to 10 percent of children who achieve a high value of the test, write well and excel academically. This is certainly important, but there may be hundreds of other ways for children to show their talent. "Today's intelligence researchers stressed that almost all children not only have a 5 percent-celebrate a special talent," said David G. Myers, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. Studies at Harvard University bear this out, showing that the children can display intelligence in a variety of different ways, through words, numbers, music, photos, sports, or "hands-on" capability, and social or emotional development. As an anonymous observer once said: "All young gifted children, some just open their packages more than others." You can play an important role in the rise of developing the latent talent or the strength of the current through the experience you give your child at home. These are 50 ways for you to bring the best out of your child, regardless of how His grace, which is packed:

1. Let the child find your own interests. Note the chosen activities. This game is not any time to say much about where his gifts lie.

2. Expose your child to a wide spectrum of experience. They may activate latent talent. Do not assume that she is not gifted in the area because he showed no interest.

3. Giving your child permission to make mistakes. If he had to do things properly, he will never take the risks required to find and develop the gift.

4. Ask questions. Help your children open themselves to him the wonders of the world by asking interesting questions: Why is the sky blue? Find the answer together.

5. Plan a special project of the family. Creativity together to raise and develop new talent.

6. Do not push your child to learn. If children sent to special education every day in the hope to develop their talents, they may become overly stressed or tired to shine. Encourage, but not encouraging.

7. Have high expectations. But make them realistic.

8. Sharing your work life. Expose your child to picture success by taking him to work. Let him see you engaged in meaningful activities and enable him to get involved.

9. To provide a rich sensory environment. What material around the home that will stimulate the senses: finger paints, percussion instruments, and puppets.

10. Take care of your own passion for learning alive. Your child will be influenced by your example.

11. Do not limit your child with the label. They may have a saddle with a reputation that is not appropriate inner gifts.

12. Playing games together as a family.

13. Have regular family time to read, listen to music, talking.

14. Having reference materials available to give your child access to the world.

15. Allow your child to participate in community activities that interest.

16. Using humor, jokes, silly stories to encourage creativity.

17. Do not criticize or judge the things your child. He may give up on talent if it was evaluated.

18. Play with your child to show your own sense of play.

19. Sharing your success as a family. Talk about the good things that happened during the day to increase self-esteem.

20. Provide your child with access to the school, home or public library computers.

21. Listen to your child. The things that he cares about most may give directions for the specific talents.

22. Give your child a special space at home to be creative.

23. Praise your child's sense of responsibility at home when he was assigned the job done.

24. Visit new places as a family.

25. Give your child toys open. Toys like blocks and dolls encourage imaginative play.

26. Give your child unstructured time to just daydream and wonder.

27. Share their inspirational stories of those who succeed in life.

28. Do not feed your child with rewards. Using incentives to get children to do to send the message that learning is not beneficial in itself

29. Suggest that your child join the peer group that focuses on the gifts.

30. Discuss the news to spark interest.

31. Prevent gender bias. Expose your child's best feminine and masculine toys and activities.

32. Avoid comparing your child with someone else. Help your child compare himself with his own past performance.

33. So parents who are competent.

34. Use the event to enable people and institutions of interest. Take a trip to the library, museums, concerts, drama.

35. Give the gift that keeps your child's strengths.

36. Push your child to think about his future. Support without direct vision of himself to each particular field.

37. Introduce your child to the exciting and affordable.

38. Think of your home as a place to learn. Large kitchen to teach mathematics and science through cooking.

39. Share your feelings. Gift a child can be hampered by emotional pressed.

40. Push your child to read.

41. Respect your child's creations.

42. Do something with your child in his interest.

43. Teach your children to believe in intuition and believe in himself.

44. Give your child choices. This building needs and initiatives of fuel.

45. Show your child how to use the books for more interest. For example, "how to" books to learn "hands-on".

46. Set aside the area home to show his creations and awards.

47. Push your child to overcome the difficult areas for him. Help him learn to cope with limitations.

48. Be the liaison between your child's special talents and the real world. Helped him to find outlets for her talents.

49. Introduce children's literature that respects and develops a prize. Books such as the Small Engine That could encourage "can do" attitude.

50. Accept your child as he or she is.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

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Multiple Intelligences: Seven How to Approach Curriculum

I can not remember how I learned to tell time. So, when I was asked by a Wisconsin school district to develop ways to teach the Multiple Intelligences for the LST grader, I initially blocked. Mind back to my own teaching experience as an expert in learning disabilities. Student workbook I said at the time they had to draw in large and small hands in the picture at. Bo-ring! If we want to get some more experience, special education office has a cardboard clock face. Students should get the "handson" experience by pushing a small hand around the clock this is false. Not very inspiring.

Fortunately, I have a new model of leaming - the theory of multiple intelligences - to help me in my search. Developed a little over 10 years ago by Howard Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard University, the theory of multiple intelligences has consistently surprised me with its ability to function as a template to build strategies for student success.

Intelligence, briefly described, are:

Linguistics: intelligence words.

Logical-mathematical: number of intelligence and reasoning.

Spatial: intelligence photos and pictures.

Music: intelligence of tone, rhythm, and timbre.

Kinesthetic-Physical: intelligence throughout the body and hands.

Interpersonal: intelligence of social interaction

Intrapersonal: intelligence self-knowledge

At times, I almost think Gardner as an archaeologist who has been searching for the Rosetta stone leaming. One can use this model to teach anything, the voice of "schwa" to the rain forest and back. Leaming style master code model is simple: to whatever you want to teach, link your instructional goals for words, numbers or logic, pictures, music, body, social interaction, and / or personal experience. If you can make an activity that combines intelligence with a unique way, so much better!

Story Time

When I walked into class in Wisconsin to teach "time," I'm not small pieces of cardboard or face the clock in my bag. Instead, I began by telling them a story about the Land Without Time and how confusing it was for people there (they lost the promise). King and Queen sent a group of adventurers in search time as rumored that the land is outside the universe time. After the exciting adventure, the group finally arrived. They know they will come because there are hours and watch any! They met with the King and Queen of Time and was told to contact the families who lived on a hill on the outskirts of Times City; an Irish family named (quite accurately) that o'clocks! They had 12 children. The youngest was named A, then at age two, and so on down the line. And twice a day, each child will rise to the highest point on the ground and cried a little poem. This is what one o'clock
poetry sounds like:

My name is One O'Clock
I told the
Listen while I sing
My little chime on time!


Well, the villain was happy when they hear and see. They assured the family o'clock to come to the Land Without Time and set their houses on the highest point of the government. Now everyone in the state have a point of reference, for all they have to do is find and listen to one of the children's singing sounds a little timely. "

After hearing this story, students were given one at a time and stood in front of a handless clock face of plywood, five feet high and acting out roles from one o'clocks. At this point I mentioned that every child had a large hand o'clock and a small hand. So with my help, each child takes a different time with his or her return to the hour and "hands" pointing to the appropriate numbers while they sang their special poem. Once we all gathered around the circle, I told them that the Land of Time (as is now called) celebrated the arrival o'clocks' with a special "dance at" every year. Twelve students sat in a circle in each hold a number from 1 to 12, while the students into a circle and create a day by hand and / or feet. Everyone is dancing around the clock to the tune of Bill Haley "Rock Around the Clock." Then students go to their desk to write the story of the story depicted by the face-hour show different times. After they finished, they return to the circle and share their pictures and words.

All this takes about an hour and a half. During this time, students use throughout their body, voice, their music, their logic (score) minds, their artistic self, the spirit of cooperation, and their own language and personal intelligence to make the pictures tell the time. The possibility to extend this short study into the wider curriculum is positive Mindboggling. Students can wear a drama story (interpersonal / kinesthetic-bodily), find specific pieces of their own time (kinesthetic-bodily / spatial), making the songs their own time or raps (musical / linguistic), making personal journals specific time in days they (intrapersonal / linguistic), and explore other ways to tell time or cross-cultural history. This kind of approach to the curriculum began to create a sheet with a face-hour work overheard as educational malpractice?

A Blueprint for the Future

Of course, some educators may think that this philosophy of learning to work well with young people, but that when students reach middle or high school age, they need to put this appendage, and began serious study. Unfortunately, the narrow perception of learning to help contribute to adolescent alienation. Children are not left them behind after their Multiple Intelligences reach puberty. If so, intelligence became more intense (especially the kinesthetic-bodily and personal intelligences).

As a result, students need to learn algebra, ancient history, government, chemistry, literature, and more through Multiple Intelligences. In algebra, students need to talk about the unknown ("X's") in their own lives. In chemistry, they should learn the laws of Boyle by sucking fresh air into their mouths (the gas in the room) and then look up the pressure when they put the conditioning to one side, where they occupy a smaller volume (Boyle's law : Volume inversely proportional to the pressure). They should play the role of literature. They have interviews, surveys, building, mendramatisir, rap, work, computing, problem solving, sketching, and studying in a thousand other ways. Why? Because this is the last activity in the real world. If we can move the world and see the many ways in which different cultures show their ability, we may see thousands of different intelligences. The theory of multiple intelligences to make things a little easier for us. By chunking a broad range of human capabilities to the seven basic intelligences, we now have a map to make sense of the many ways in which children learn, and a blueprint for success in school and in life.

As an Education Planning, Ask the Right Questions!

Certain questions helped me see the possibility of involving the intelligence as much as possible:

Linguistic: How can I use the word spoken or written?

Logical-Mathematical: How can I take a number, math, logic, classifications, or critical thinking?

Spatial: How can I use visual aids, visualization, color, art, metaphor, or visual organizers?

Music: How can I take music or voice environment, or set of key points in the rhythm or melody?

Kinesthetic-Physical: How can I involve the whole body, or hand-experience?

Interpersonal: How can I engage students in peer or cross-age of sharing, learning co-operative or a large group simulation?

Intrapersonal: How can I evoke personal feelings or memories, or give students choices?

You will not always find ways to include all intelligence in your curriculum plan. But if this model will help you achieve in one or two intelligences that you may not have tapped, it has served purpose very well indeed!
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Sunday, July 17, 2011

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Training Tips Courage and Survival

In broad outline, training, courage and survival can be run simultaneously. The same measures expected to produce two positive things at once. But parents should realize there is nothing immediately well as all it takes. What do I do? These include:

1. Produced basic trust

Basic trust are formed from baby. But after batita all, parents should give positive response to the needs of children. That way the child will feel secure / safe in life. Children feel secure, in turn bolder mengadapi challenges that lay before him. It was once more independent in solving the question.

2. Give concrete examples

Parents who tend to have a closed character, refuses to do something serbabaru, narrow face, should not expect children to grow into a personal batitanya bold and independent. The simplest example is the elderly who want to teach her to swim, but he himself feared in the water. If so where might the result be a maximum? Remember, children need clear examples of how the later act should be bold and independent. Thus children have a picture to copy it more easily.

For parents who feel can not give concrete examples on batitanya, of course not be discouraged. There are steps that can be done, namely by not transferring the "fear" in children directly in front of the children. Even if it appears, ask others in the family to remind you.

3. Set restrictions on the right

The prohibition provided for children must be accompanied by a logical reason. When the child sharpen his courage by playing outside the gate, we recommend that older people are not intimidated by things that can not be held responsible. Semisal saying that the child will be bitten by a dog, tempted by demons and so on.

Remember, the mindset of children this age are very concrete. The fear does not have to be arrested brain to be a true statement. Finally, the children so it does not go out the fence at all. This clearly prevents the formation of courage and self within the child.

4. Give a belief in children

Give the belief in the child fields are willing to do. If you want to put their own child eat their own dishes in a dish clothes, do not directly melecehkannya. Give it the trust and the opportunity to try. Do not worry too batita will complete the plates are just as expensive. Beliefs acquired child will make ever tested the courage and survival.

5. Do not give too much stimulus

Remember, the level through which children grow tier to tier. That is why we need an understanding of the environment, especially the elderly, the stimuli were given must be tailored to the child's development. Too much too soon stimulations, in the end will only make the children confused and lost his courage to do something. Children will think of things as requested parents and ultimately wrong because too many commando but then scolded, better not do it at all.

Similarly, the example of the captured children unilaterally without straightening the environment. For example, children gain knowledge about a case from the television. Could be the only film that is certainly not the same as reality. However, because children will not get the understanding that it is so regarded it as something real. Especially in this age children can not distinguish real events and which are updated / engineered as a spectacle. Impressions of force, for example, can only mean that the world is not safe as it is witnessed. As a result, not impossible to prevent the development of the courage of children.

6. Do not induce

Courage and survival of children may develop slowly. So, do not force your child to quickly master all the things taught immediately. Parents who want their independence wake her with a ritual bath directly, without having to "romp" first, for example. Should not force your child to master it once taught and then at the next day everything was running smoothly. Chatting and always think about how to do it properly. Too often hurl criticism for its failure will only make a brave declined alias down.

Be dominated Age 3 Years Child

Older people can see how batitanya courageous and independent. The list below can be molded. You may decide that your child has not mastered, try carefully again, who knows there is something that should be immediately "made up".
Courage Survival. Son seems flexible with its new environment. Dare to meet and greet at the entrance to the new environment. Adhesiveness with the elderly has been declining. To ask of any company. It is courageous to own private bathroom, bedroom self and others.
  • Development of training motoriknya bicycle wheels enable it to dare 4.
  • Dare to try games like monkey traps, Degradability, skip-stepping and so on.
  • Dare to ask critically about things that do not correspond to his mind.
  • It is responsible for routine activities, such as waking up at all bathroom without fussy, when bath would clean my teeth properly and so on.It is growing awareness of eating, sleeping, drinking milk, and so on. At least, it need not show a fuss again in connection with these activities.
  • The development of enabling the motor may wear their own shoes and put back in place after use.
  • Responsible to the piece by means of it after use, and return to the place again. Completed at least appear to do their own consciousness though there is outreach from adults around them.

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

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4 Types of Temperament Child

Child's temperament was obtained from the lineage of her parents. However, whatever type of temperamennya, ideal environmental conditions can help him grow into a personal interest.

Temperamentn + Environment = personality temperament, that's about matematisnya calculation of course does not occur despite stiff. Temperament, are carrying properties found children from both parents and grandfather-grandmother. If supported by a conducive environment, children with specific temperament can still grow a pleasant personality. So, when children show a tendency of certain temperament that is not expected, the task of tualah to mengkondisikannya within which can neutralize.

According to psychologists from the University of Tarumanegara, Jakarta, is essentially an individual temperament can be divided into four groups. The first trigger a Greek philosopher named Hipocrates (460-375 BC). Although it was later thousands of years ago, this theory is still relevant to be implemented. However, we remind Meiske said, "None of the four temperament that can be said to be really ideal. The best is when their tendency is the fourth type is in the child the right amount."

Type sanguine

Individuals with this personality type usually appears prominently on the environment. It tends to happy, cheerful, easy to close with another person, raconteur and has the properties of the other positive. Some people view this as a child relaxed, easy going, and not easily upset or sad.

In groups, children will be very simple bertemperamen visible because it had lots of friends and always be the center of attention. The environment as a pleasant judge. Happy to be able to make the nature of the surrounding atmosphere is quiet and monotonous life of an alias is always felt. Changing the environment to be happy sad or upset, it was not hard for her.

Parents who have a child with this temperament will always entertained. "Fun little guys to be a panacea for fatigue and regret sepulang work. However, he said, this kind do not ever be positive. Negative, children often can not distinguish the situation. It can, when facing a serious situation or in anguish that demands serenity and humble, but amusing little guys themselves, so stir up the atmosphere.
When carried up big, bertemperamen child will be seen as a figure that can not be called serious. Currently studying in class, for example, children will speak, and the storm itself. For that reason, needed an environment that may restrict it.

* Environmental be Prepared

Older people play an important role in shaping the personality of the child. Do not let old people bertemperamen sanguine and down on the children, thus creating the environment that makes it more uncontrollable.
This bertemperamen children should always be involved in a situation where he must be able to remain calm for a few seconds. "It is advisable to enroll in nursery school children or pre-Playgroup, until the child can understand the circumstances, he should be quiet and calm.

Since the beginning, the elderly and must have been taught about discipline in children. Thus, it will be understood as possible and which can not be done. Do not hesitate also to teach children to put themselves in certain circumstances. From there, expected to remain positive nature to grow, while gradually minimized negative side that would eventually send their children to grow into a pleasant personal

Type melancholy

Older people are quiet, introver, and tend to bury their own problems, we suggest preparing a child with a more or less the same temperament. Or it could be that her parents did not bertemperamen like this, but the grandfather neneknyalah down to the grandchildren.

Son of a melancholic temperament as a child that looks like depression, looked dejected and sad continues, a quiet, sentimental, and tend to not like crowds. At the age of this batita, its the most easy to be seen is the nature of the maudlin. That is why, each time encountering unpleasant situations, some children tend to withdraw and weep.

Child with this temperament are generally also seen as a difficult child. Not surprisingly, if the environment is easier to recognize the nature of negative than positive qualities also belong.

Front depressed and silent attitude caused by the inability of the child to express his feelings. This negative side of course, can interfere with development, especially in socio-emotional aspects. Children will be difficult to mix with anyone, including the problems of communication or emotional closeness with parents and family.

* Environmental be Prepared

If found that children tend to bertemperamen melancholy, we encourage parents to be more careful. She felt so delicate and easily hurt. However, it can not express what she feels. Even if the child has one, greeted him must be fine with staying focused on the offense committed. Do not let it dibentak or harmed, because it will make wounded. If you get this, it does not get benefits such as the expected change in the attitude of parents.

As often as possible, fill the child to meet his friends. By doing so, they will learn a lot from the environment, including how to treat them. Since the beginning should parents also have to show proximity to the child. "Because after the adults later, the child with this temperament can only be open on the figure that really close to it. Who did not win a shocking number of children desperate action appears bertemperamen melancholic suicide.

Type Choleric

Children with this type will generally be seen striking while in between friends, because it looks agile, energetic, and almost never quiet. It already has the talent to lead, while Wills grace hard to learn and develop. The most easy to be observed at this age a child is hard work to learn to walk, talk, or feed themselves. "Toddlers do not want to see give up before its truly successful. It is also seen more easily respond to the stimulus given environment.

However, do not ever give a positive influence temperament. It may be that it was too excited until I realized that behavior can hurt yourself. Due to continuous learning, for example, your toddler can also fatigue. Another thing that must Watch, the child will likely ignore this bertemperamen feelings of others, it is difficult to compromise on the efforts and sufferings of others are doing, and do not like seeing other children whine. This attitude appears as itself not a whiner. Little realizing it was visible prefer results to be achieved. In extreme conditions, it even does not care how others do the same.

* Environmental be Prepared

Instead, more parents taught the value of empathy to the child. "Start with simple things semisal when looking at street children, parents can enter the little moral message. Cultivate the sense of how the suffering of street children who could be age. Thus, the feeling was so much terasah children.

Occasionally, children should also be brought on failure. Experiences like this are forced to understand that not all the effort he does will be fruitful as expected. In addition, given the opportunity as widely as possible on the children to socialize so that he is trained to face a variety of conditions while quoting some of its environmental benefits.


Child with this temperament tend to slow catch and do something. Her behavior seems slow, well-relaxed, but tend to lazy. Is not surprising that the level of development seems slow too, because all that related to intellectual development, socio-emotional, motor, physical, and so on.

* Environmental be Prepared
It must be admitted that the task of parents who have children bertemperamen phelgmatic is so little heavier. The right stimulus should continue to be given to children of this type. The system also needs to be implemented because of competition could encourage children to be more enthusiastic.

Actually temperament of children in the age batita still be "formed" and negative behavior can still be corrected. Phelgmatic temperament will not be dominant when the environment is not supported. So, although children bertemperamen lelet, if everyone around them to drive him to continue, sooner or later it will also be affected.

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Multiple Intelligences

The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard University. This shows that the traditional idea of ??intelligence based on IQ tests, is too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to account for the broader human potential in children and adults. These intelligences are:

    * Linguistic intelligence (word smart)
    * Logical-mathematical intelligence (number / reasoning smart)
    * Spatial intelligence (picture smart)
    * Physical-Kinesthetic intelligence (body smart)
    * Musical intelligence (music smart)
    * Interpersonal intelligence (people smart)
    * Intrapersonal intelligence (self smart)
    * Naturalist intelligence (nature smart)

Dr. Gardner says that our schools and culture focus most of their attention on linguistic intelligence and logical-mathematical. We appreciate those who are very clever or logical than our culture. However, Dr. Gardner says that we must put equal attention on individuals who show gifts in other intelligences: the artists, architects, musicians, naturalists, designers, dancers, therapists, entrepreneurs, and others who enrich the world in which we life. Unfortunately, children who have a lot of these gifts do not receive much reinforcement for them in school. Many of the children, in fact, eventually labeled "learning," "ADD (attention deficit disorder, 'or underperformed, when their unique ways of thinking and learning are not addressed in the weight class linguistic or logical-mathematical theory of multiple intelligences suggests . transform the way we run schools. This shows that teachers are trained to present their studies in a variety of ways using music, cooperative learning, art activities, role playing, field trips, multimedia, in reflection, and much more (see Multiple Intelligences in class). The good news is that the intelligence theory has gained the attention of many diverse educators throughout the state, and hundreds of schools currently using philosophy to redesign the way to educate their children bad news is that there are thousands of schools still out there who teach the same old dull way, through dry lectures and boring work sheets and books .. The challenge is to get this information to more teachers, school administrators, and others who work with children, so that each children have the opportunity to learn in a way that is in harmony with their unique minds (see it on their own).

The theory of multiple intelligences also has strong implications for adult learning and development. Many adults find themselves in jobs that do not utilize the most advanced intelligence their optimum (for example, a very kinesthetic-bodily persons trapped in the work of linguistic or logical table when it will be much happier in a job where they can move, such as a leader recreational activities, ranger, or physical therapy). The theory of multiple intelligences gives adults a new way to look at their lives, review their potential left in childhood (such as love for art or drama) but now have the opportunity to develop through courses, hobbies, or other personal development programs (see the seven kinds of smart).

How to Teach or Learn Anything 8 Different Way

One of the most remarkable features of the theory of multiple intelligences is how to provide eight different potential paths to learning. If teachers have difficulty achieving students in linguistic or logical way to the more traditional of the User, the theory of multiple intelligences suggests several other ways in which the material can be presented to facilitate effective learning. Are you a Kindergarten teacher, teaching high school graduates or adult learners to find a better way to pursue their own learning on each topic of interest, the same policy guidelines occur. Whatever you teach or learn, to see how you can connect with

    * Words (linguistic intelligence)
    * Numbers or logic (logical-mathematical intelligence)
    * Photo (spatial intelligence)
    * Ringing (musical intelligence)
    * Reflection themselves (intrapersonal intelligence)
    * Physical experience (bodily-kinesthetic intelligence)
    * Social experience (interpersonal intelligence), and / or
    * Experience in the universe. (Naturalist intelligence)

For example, if you teach or learn about the laws of supply and demand in the economy, you may read about it (linguistic), study mathematical formulas that express it (logical-mathematical), review graphics graphic illustrates the principle (spatial), complying with environmental laws in the world (naturalist) or in the world of human trafficking (interpersonal); examine the law in the case of your own body [eg when you supply your body with plenty of food, hunger request down, when there is very little supply, demand stomach you to feed into the top and you get hungry] (kinesthetic-bodily and intrapersonal), and / or write a song (or find a song that already exists) that shows the law (perhaps Dylan "Nothing Too Much?.

You do not need to teach or learn something in all eight ways, just to see what possibilities, and then decide on your most interesting bands, or appears to be the most effective teaching or learning tools. The theory of multiple intelligences is very interesting because our horizons expand existing teaching / learning tools beyond the conventional methods of linguistics and logic used in most schools (eg lectures, books, writing task, formula, etc.). To start, put the topic of what you are interested to teach or learn about in the middle of a sheet of blank paper, and draw eight straight lines or "fingers" radiating out from this topic. Label each row with different intelligences. Then start brainstorming ideas for teaching or studying the topic and write down ideas next to each intelligence (this is a spatial-linguistic approach of brainstorming, you may want to do this in other ways as well, using tape-recorders, have the bulk of the opinion sessions, etc.). Have fun!
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Thursday, July 14, 2011

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Do not Prevent Child for creativity

As parents certainly happy to have seen him happy, healthy, smart and creative. Because basically the elderly will help the fruit grow side of caution in case kreatifitasnya. And parents often wish that his son always has an advantage compared with other children.

Therefore the following are some ways that you've been to the heart of your beloved can be a creative child, so we can be proud of his parents.

First, provide an enabling environment so the child can explore and play without feeling the restraint of elderly people is not justified. Up that way, the child can be more creative thinking.

Second, press Select. Without spending a lot of money, the media used may be such as paper, stationery, photos and more. Children can be productive and imaginative if they are able to choose, organize, sort and organize the media again.

Third, accept the proposed idea of ​​the child even though it's unusual. Reasons to appreciate their efforts so that the child will know that you believe on their ability to do the job well. And let the child have the freedom, responsibility and completed with the consequences of their thinking.

Fourth, use the normal problems that occur in everyday life. Then push the child to have new ideas and unusual. Older people should listen to them and ask questions of clarification on the observations. Clarification of what has been observed with the children to repeat what you hear and tanyai more about his experience.

Fifth, children need a long time and not pursued a move to explore and do their best work. As parents should give her time to explore all possibilities, moving from the popular idea to the more original ideas.

Sixth, the child is difficult in the absence of creative inspiration for the concrete. Because they are easier to draw on an object or directly to your taste memory. And this memory can be more easily achieved through preparation and provikasi adults.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

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Difficulty Eating Problems in Children

Problem difficulty eating in children is a behavior problem children most hanyak found and often Complaint by the mother. In fact, this variation easily preventable and curable only by changing the child's environment. Approximately 10 20% of children aged 2-5 years showed abnormal behavior such as this. Normal; it is not rare to invite anxiety for parents.

Generally, educated mothers are more exposed to problems linked to children who do not want to eat, they fear it will suffer from malnutrition and child susceptible to infection or they are embarrassed because his son is not chubby like other children. Feeling bad like this to make the mother to be scared, so they are encouraged to try with a vengeance to force children to eat.

This action is thus an act very confused, because it can cause loss of appetite, children who lived. This is dangerous! Difficulties in the child's eating a lot of its relationship with psychological factors such as the consequences of the disease. Description below will help resolve problematik, so we are not one in the face of a difficult child to eat.


The question of eating has to do with taste and feeling. Things that affect appetite and feelings may come from within the body itself, from the food and the environment. The situation comes from the body, such as occurs for the special nature of the child's personal. As you know every child has a liking for food alone. Some children prefer sweet, but the other children rather salty. Some children liked the meat, but other children prefer vegetables. But however, every child is actually born with enough appetite. In their instinctive will to take a required
body for the continued growth of the child.

Ego growth also affects the child's level of appetite. In children aged 2-3 years negativitik properties have become almost common trait in children. At this age children often reject the food given to him. For example only 6-9 months old children often reject the milk. The condition occurs in children who received solid foods for the first time or the children getting more than
of the desired child.

Disease that affects appetite, general abnormalities in the mouth like Sprue, tonsillitis and pain due to growing new teeth. Tuberculosis and severe malnutrition and some other diseases, also applies the same. Feeling unhappy or feel jealous of his brother. actually normal in children aged around 9 months to 3 years, the role is in lowering the child's appetite.

Food factors, such as color, smell, shape and taste of food is affecting appetite children. Newly acquired food children will be more problematic, such as giving the first solid foods to infants. The surroundings are very important, is the attitude of the mother of the child's confusion. Very very interesting, that the difficulties experienced food children often found in families where the mothers were having trouble eating well. The mother who covered some fear for the safety and health of children, it is not unusual to force her to eat anything given to him. Impose

This threat is sometimes equal to or instead of giving gifts. But the question of eating is a matter of taste. Question of taste is actually impossible to enforce.
READ MORE - Difficulty Eating Problems in Children
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

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Understanding nocturnal enuresis or make water

What make water or nocturnal enuresis?

This is a situation where a person or a child forced to urinate during sleep. This can be very common in children at age seven and under. While there are some cases where adults can also experience the same situation they have experienced when they were children.

Nocturnal enuresis can have many causes and can vary. In medicine is primary nocturnal enuresis is when a child continues to wet one's bed after the age where they usually are able to control urination. This can occur 2 to 3 times a week and no prolonged drought. The second nocturnal enuresis is when a person after a long dry bed back to make water. These are some weeks or months does not make water.
Common reasons for nocturnal enuresis or make water

The reason for this may vary. The most common reasons involves genetics. Genetic research shows that if both parents wet the bed have a good chance their children will also make water. The most common other causes of delays involving neurological and development make water. Although the most common reasons to make water, there are tests available that will determine whether genetic or make water due to development delays in children. There are other proven causes of conditions such as disease, physical abnormalities, insufficient production of ADH, psychology to name a few. So if your child has wet one's bed after the age where they are expected to stay dry at night would be good to consult with your doctor

There are situations as a parent, you will always worry about the make water. Children will develop differently from each other so try not to expect your child to cease to make water at a very early age. It is common for children to wet their beds until the age of 7 and put pressure or criticize them for doing so is not going to help. Reprimand or place them in the sense of shame will only increase the emotional pressure they face from the situation. Children will often get pressure to wet the bed and they have no control over it. Stress can cause many problems, especially if the child does not get understanding from their parents.

Make water can have a tremendous impact on the child's self esteem if not addressed properly. A child can experience many problems with this as ridiculed by other children or others find out. It can also cause psychological damage depending on their gravity hampered in their social development. So, what children need is an understanding of the elderly and the right attitude towards the situation. Older people should be able to handle situations that smart and get the best knowledge to face the situation. The doctor will be a source of information and medical journals. Before taking any steps, make sure you know what you are faced with, if that is the phase of the child or if you really need medical attention for your child.
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Monday, July 11, 2011

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The normal active child. In fact, they tend to bring the benefits of being active. For example, the active si so know more about things for exploration more often than other children. Thanks to movements that almost never end, also an active child's motor skills improved. "I think, the better children are moving because he will learn something more. While the children more often silent, apart motoriknya less trained, too many things that can not be known to the child. Kepasifannya but may interfere with children's creativity and initiative later.

If active the difficult problem especially if asked to secretly summoned to sleep, is due to active the greater mobility than other children. The active desire to always beraktiviti is finally making it difficult to be asked to sleep, especially a nap. "Every child does have a variety of sleep needs, active children may need a little more sleep and we often find them difficult to be invited to sleep.

Even so, it is asserted that children batita must have enough rest, especially for those who are up early in the morning. "Best Rest sleeping state. So batita really should sleep during the day."

Rest less would be seen in physical conditions that ultimately affect the health situation in general. In addition, active children often can not control the activities so it is possible that he was actually very tired but still force yourself to play.

But remember, do not let children forced to sleep with a variety of threats. Although children eventually want to do it but it was not because consciousness unless forced.

This suggested a few things are more willing to make your toddler sleep:

1. Make scheduled events

The initial step can be done is to schedule the activities of children in one day. This table can be used as a criterion in any child should wake up, shower, eat, nap, until a routine night. The table can be initially difficult. But at least with the schedule was arranged, so the little ones accustomed to doing regularly. So try to comply with the schedule so that it is used. When children are able to adapt, it's easy for us to ask for extra. On the other hand, no child tables will be used to not do anything and anytime. "Maybe later on non-elderly who deal with children but also children who handle routine, also operates his parents."

So he batita still easy to direct, create kesehariannya schedule as early as possible. But remember, parents need to introduce fun activities in the routine's little, it does not feel pressured. Tables should also be flexible and not rigid. For example, when no relatives to visit, your child may just not have to follow the nap schedule in order to play with his brother.

2. Plan a relaxing sleep

For example, by putting his favorite toys or things that children love, such as pillows, and other rolling on the bed. Alternatively, try dongengkan stories that children love. Choose a didactic story so that it can cite the case of a given positive tale. Set a very good voice already done. For example, early in the story we heard a very loud voice. Along with berjalannya tale, slowly diminished. When children see is like a blind eye. lirihkan voice and for voice seemed to fade.

When the child is required or requested, for the kind of "ritual" before bed. For example, all go to sleep, it must read the story, saying good night to the puppets and others. Essentially, any ritual that you want, try to be met, including when they want to do games like wrestling, Smack down, and the like before going to bed. "But do not forget to get continuity to children, but limit yourself to sleep and ask your child to sleep immediately.

3. Create a comfortable environment

The rooms are comfortable and convenient can be created in various ways. One of decorating a room with pictures and toys that are loved. A pleasant atmosphere will encourage children to stand in the room. However, avoid decorations that are too many because it will make it like to play. "The atmosphere relaxed, sometimes dim light is needed to make children sleep easier.
Not only that, the behavior of the elderly are sometimes needed to make your child fall asleep faster. Like, pretend to close my eyes, not speaking, not much moved, and so on. By looking at his parents "had gone to sleep" can cause children to do the same. So do not even make the concentration of the child to sleep dispersed, with the switch on television for example. "In television there are many interesting until the child interested to see it. If so, it is difficult for him to shut his eyes."

4. Music Alunkan tranquilizers

As an alternative to the little want to close my eyes, trying to sleep accompanied by the voices of calm. As with broadcast classical music, or voice recordings expressing considering that, like waterfalls, waves, and others. From research, soothing voices to make children feel more comfortable. In this situation the child will be easier to be invited to sleep.

If it does not

But be aware, too, may be the old crook to make active the nap, did not work. According Neneng, do not overly worried about this. Because in fact the only beraktiviti quiet in bed; to hear this tale, or play the same puppets are made to rest. "Sleep is very important day be applied to children. However, when in fact the old man had a hard time even get them to sleep at night, can we just sacrifice sleep loss of remembrance and in the evening, when the energy is drained, the child would be easier to sleep.
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Support Aged: Search Advice from other parents

The old man whose son wet the bed does not just have to deal with the children and seek treatment, they also must come to terms that make water is not an indication that they are failures as parents.
What Parents Think

It is unusual for parents with children suffering from a make water feel helpless and confused. Sometimes they even deny that there is a problem because of the stigma they might suffer, personal and social. In addition, they are instinctive to protect their children from the "weaknesses" that appear in connection with all types of interference.

After parents decided that their children do not make water in one fell swoop, but barriers continue to spend, there are different ways that they deal with it. Some parents will choose to avoid the need to face and to ignore the thought that there is a need for assistance. If this is the path chosen, the danger is that the child will not get the help he needs.

With other parents, they may think that make water is a matter of discipline. So, not looking for professional help, they turn to the form of discipline they knew they would subject her to punishment and will grow even more frustrated when their child does not respond well lie in the wet. This loss is that, one, children will be entertained and as such will sleep wet until it grows up, and two grown children think that there is something wrong with him and he withdrew socially. Can also be manifested son himself was disappointed with the defensive about the situation or resign completely to his "fate."
Changing Perspectives on Bed Wetting

Nocturnal enuresis is not a variation and therefore should not be seen as one. This is a bladder disorder that can be treated effectively and completely. As parents, it is your responsibility to ensure that you help your child deal with these dangers for normal development.

You do not have to find help for your child, but for myself also. Typically, doctors will have access to support groups that can help you better understand what your child will go through. Older people other than children with the same condition is one of the group.

It would be very helpful to be able to talk to the old, some questions that need answers to which may be more acceptable if you know the answer coming from someone who not only know what to make water is about, but also through or still be in the situation the same.

Although the doctor is still to come first, chances are you changing popular explanation has not been profitable to make water will double if you hear from other parents 'point' of view.

The old-line forums are also available to help you understand what you and your child will go through. You can ask your questions when they come to you and not wait until your child's doctor is ready to provide feedback. Some forums may even help you decide the best and most effective treatment to make water you should try.
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Sunday, July 10, 2011

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How parents can help to save their children from embarrassment than make water

If not given proper attention, enuretic children may suffer psychological and social imbalances in their infancy. Nocturnal enuresis not only gives the old near concern, but children with an abnormal swallow life of shame and embarrassment.

Parents and all involved thus encouraged to extend full support to the children during the alleged nocturnal enuresis is usually too large by a child since the age of 3. In other cases where children age 6 or even later and have not developed bladder control, parents will often lead to a sentence of disappointed children to an action that is actually being done unintentionally.

Be supportive as you can!

For parents and all involved did not worsen the situation of children, patience is a charity! This is a technique for you to consider as a first step so that your child can cope with make water and save them from further embarrassment:

    * Do not judge. Penalties for offenses child often causes them to become rebels purposely do things to disrupt the elderly. This is more so when children are not doing something wrong! Make water is normal between children and there are only a few cases requiring treatment.

    * Keep track of the things they do before bed each time they wake up dry. If you could record it so you can help the child to repeat them next time.

    * Learn some simple techniques of counseling if your child is experiencing disturbing events or stress at home and at school. Children who grieved and disturbed, for example, cause depression, so much for children that can be manifested in the bed resulting in wet one's bed.

    * Tell your child about things that need to know about make water make water and he reminded the public and not something that should be ashamed.

    * Do not show signs of frustration when make water occurs or no visible signs of improvement. Be patient your child may be late in its development stage.

    * Guarantee does not help. Say your child that he may be overcome make water is important. This will make him feel rooted to make water and will be eager to practice activities that will prevent him or her make water form.

    * Be ready to recognize when children wake up dry no matter how rare the change occurs. Feel supported to make their self confidence and improve her self-esteem. Your child will also try to exert efforts to work with it and confront it in a positive manner.

    * Protect your child's bed from the bedraggled when that happens. Place a waterproof bed or your child's pants or diaper absorbent until signs of improvement are observed. Other measures such as the purchase of the moisture sensor device for your child will save you the hassle of cleaning.

    * By helping your child overcome this situation and see it as a normal part of growing up, embarrassment will not be a problem.

Help create the effect of positive psycho-social

Medical research proves that the psychological impact on the children make water is more important than its effect on the physical side. Reaction of family members to place his children make water is important for a child to overcome this situation. His are some ways how you can help:

    * The various stress events can have children who experience make water. These include the relative seductive, frustration by parents, and intimidation by his classmates. It is then important that parents and all involved should be educated as to make water to avoid the embarrassment and low self-esteem among children who had the condition.

    * Ask family members to help with the situation by guiding the child in performing the rites of his bed to prevent ngompol or even the cleaning showed that the family of his son's arm just stay away if he needs support.

    * Assistance in developing his social skills while episodes make water as children join in school activities such as campouts.

    * Are other family members accompany the children at the school to provide or moral support and confidence, especially when the child was afraid that friends may know about his or her condition. At first hand, ensuring that no classmates your child will know about her or make water and that the family is extending all out support. Engaging children in school may be made until it was beyond the state or until ngompol no longer a problem.

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

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When Will My Baby Quit make water?

Parents are asked: "My son is 3-years-old and completely toilet trained only problem I have is that he still wet the bed at least a few nights a week when this will end and what I can do .. to stop? does me punishing him when he wet or gave gratuities to dry? me about at the end of my rope. "

Answer: make water in toddlers can be very disappointed, especially when you have an accident during the day down to zero. You should know, however, ngompol normal at this age. In fact, you need to know that it is well beyond the normal age of your child. According to Pediatrics Guide Vincent Iannelli, "On average the children did not stop make water at night until he was around 4 or 5 years."

So, while it may feel like your child to be able to handle the aspects of his life, it is unrealistic expectations. Down expectations, though, because only about 15% of children still wet one's bed at the age of 5 years, Iannelli said. They are likely pretty good and you only need to last a little longer.

Meanwhile, you can reduce the number of wet nights (but not all) by:

    * Develop your child at night to go to the bathroom (especially if it is a heavy sleep)
    Reduce the drink in the evening (no point in adding gasoline to the fire)
    * Ensure your child to go the toilet before going to bed (make that the last part of your bedtime routine)

You can also make clean-up easier and less stressful for everyone involved with the use of diapers or disposable training pants such as Pull-Ups at night or with double-bed sheet. This is done by placing a protective cover first, then the bedding, and other protective cover and other bedding. If your child is wetting the bed, you can only take the top layer and cover sheet to protect them from bed, pajamas change, wipe with a damp towel or rag and then return to bed. If your toddler wet the bed several times each night, with the use of layers required.

I do not recommend a good punishment for a night of wet or rewards for dry nights because this is something that is beyond the control of your child. I would equate more to a child learning to walk against the behavior. You will not put him in the fall, but will help him get up, facilities and help when he tried to take another step. Do the same thing when it comes to make water. Punishing him will not make it stop make water and it will only make them feel bad about themselves. Similarly, the award does not really affect the change, so stay in your tool box to conduct a truly guarantee that.
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Friday, July 8, 2011

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Helping Children Overcome Bed Wetting

Children who wet their beds largely regarded as one of the two: a child with psychological problems who come from disfunctional homes;, or two children who have a physiological disorder can not be cured.

Both of these perspectives are not accurate, and the fact that they are popular is something that should be satisfied about. One child who wet the bed will not only suffer from damaged self-mage, it will also suffer discrimination from their parents, friends and society in general. This is clearly not what he needs to overcome the situation.
Bed Wetting Truth

Some 15 percent of children age 5 still make water in urine. If this happens, the child will have a rare episode of nocturnal enuresis.

There are two forms of nocturnal enuresis, primary and secondary. Children diagnosed with primary enuresis has never really reached the point of full control of their bladder; second enuresis is when the child has had at least six months from the bedding dry nocturnal enuresis occurred.
Although the second enuresis associated with stress time for the children, that does not mean that the child had a psychological disorder, in truth, has not exactly proven if the enuresis is a direct product of stress. Primary enuresis on the other hand can be caused by physical problems in the bladder. Both these conditions can be treated and can be overcome.
Get Flipped Fellows

Make water can cause distress in children who suffer from it and shame felt by parents plus direct discrimination from society will only worsen the situation. You might think that the children are unfamiliar with embarrassment, but they feel even if they can not name. The bad part is that because they are young, they do not know how to handle these feelings correctly.

Therefore up to parents and the community to help children realize that make water not to be ashamed. It is true that should not happen and that is not normal development. However, children need to know that it will not be subject to ridicule because of something they do not have or something that he has no control over.

Support, especially from parents and siblings. If you have children who suffer from nocturnal enuresis, it is important to sit him down and convinced him that this was not his fault. Remind him that you believe in the ability and even if he can not make water over yourself, you are there to help him through it.

His peer group is to overcome other difficulties, the children normally lure other children who suffer from this condition. Because you can not tell the children not discriminatory, would be far better to discuss this with their parents. Many parents do not know what is causing make water and hence will not be able to explain the situation clearly to the children of their own. This is why it is important for you to pave the awareness campaign. No need to blow things out of proportion, it is true. But a short discussion and personal to those older than your child's friends so will help. Children can be sensitive to the feelings of others, they just need to be reminded now and then.
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Thursday, July 7, 2011

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Is the bed wetting problem for your child?

Although make water (or primary nocturnal enuresis) is normal for preschoolers and disasters of almost half of Americans age of three years, is considered a serious problem by most parents. Although awakened to a child crying, wet sheets in the middle of the night can be tiring, imagine how your child feels.

Make water happen. I say this because the make water usually caused by poor bladder control - both bladder children under-developed or he can not himself up in time to get up and empty.

There are other possible reasons for wetting the bed and the biggest one is stress. A sudden change in the life of a child or table can cause a child who is usually dry to begin to make water rise. Events like divorce, disease, the elderly, changes in care providers, etc can make a toilet-trained children to return to the previous behavior.

Although a special fear is that the wet bed with several diseases, bladder infection affects less than 2% of children who make water. It is easy enough to find a bladder infection - find straining when urinating, pain or urinary complaints that appear cloudy or tinged with blood. A child who has a bladder or kidney infections can also wet himself during the day. Children who have diabetes are also prone to make water.

Another reason to make water more fun - children who have been sexually harassed have been sleeping wet. If your child shows a sudden change in the ability to make it through the night without make water, it is best to take him to the doctor for children to get rid of the disease and felt.

Make water considerations:

1. Do you have a family history make water? Are you or your spouse or relative make water as a child? Make water is a common and often seen in the family.

2. Make a graph of how many drinks your child, what types of activities involved in during the day and how often they urinate to see if any patterns emerge. For example, if your child tends to wet the bed when he had more to drink than usual? (In particular, watch out for orange juice and caffeinated soda.)

3. Is your child make water when there's a problem with the previous day's incident demoralize? What do you think is the stress may be different for your child. Remember stress stimuli that are considered excessive. For example, if your child is spending the night at the home of a relative after family members met many foreigners, it may make water.

What Parents Can Do about Wetting Child Bed:

1. Refrain from embarrassing your child. Accept that this is something you have to go through as a family. It is very unlikely that your children make water on purpose, to show compassion and sensitivity.

2. Make sure your child is hydrated throughout the day, so you can refrain from giving extra fluids at bedtime. Try to stop giving him fluids two hours before bed if possible. Make sure he is urinating just before up to the bed.

3. If you have probems toddler bed wetting, encourage your child to wear training pants, until it can dry up three consecutive nights. Note the progress to encourage him. Back to training pants if it is wet himself and began to count the days, but do not make them feel failed.

4. Use a plastic cover over the bed. If your child is wetting the bed, you can change the sheets or directly on a wet towel and wash in the morning. If your child insists on having a clean sheet, ask him to help you change the bed.

5. Some medical professionals think that children who wet the bed may have a problem with his circadian Rhythm. Thinking is that children like drops in the bed so fast that it can not own up to urinate. According to professionals, the solution is to develop your child about an hour after she went to sleep. Give him talk to him until his eyes open kissand, and let her drift back to sleep. It is believed that this would help him into a more progressive level, up until it could get up himself if he felt like urinating.

4. Explain to your sister that make water is not a relative they can help. Tell them not to seduce. Involve them in promoting sleep when it got wet with dry pants.

5. Proceed with confidence. Know that with time and maturity, make water your child will overcome the sleeping child.

6. If you suspect that your child has a urinary tract infection, diabetes, or some other medical problems or have contact with individuals reliable, take it to your child's doctor.
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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

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Bed wetting the introduction

Make water or nocturnal enuresis is deliberately late urinary bladder at the time should already have control. The children like to bed-wet at a young age and even when being toilet trained, but when wet one's bed after the child has exceeded the level of training, there may be disruption to children's death.

Experts say that make water or wet the bed is a general problem associated with psychosocial problems. Many parents go to a doctor or child psychologist for the development of this condition and it is not surprising that this problem is to eat a piece of the time doctors.

Although almost make water not dangerous in terms of physical health, very embarrassing and some children will find it difficult to address. They will never be able to have a night program from their friends and friends will surely have a great time tempted them about their conditions. As a result, children may become withdrawn and social growth will be hampered.
Find Professional Help to make water: Is it you?

There are ways to treat nocturnal enuresis, difficulty lies in the parents or the child refused to get help because they are embarrassed and the immaturity of their properties, hoping the situation will correct itself. On top of that, doctors generally do not have proper training and even if they do, their knowledge is not enough. But experts say that after the treatment of nocturnal enuresis to be successful, satisfied that the children, parents, and doctors will feel immeasurable.

Medical subjects to make water, however, has been controversial, and most clearly since the beginning of time. There has been literature on make water since 1550 BC, methods of cruel and barbarous treatment and often futile. A number of previous treatment, including the testes of rabbit in wine and giving it to children for a drink or a rooster's comb and the waste is dried in the bed the bed is wet. A more brutal form of medicine is to encourage children blisters on the sacrum.

The first ever successful behavior is a form of psychological management was introduced in 1927 by Friedell. He limited fluid intake, and introduced into the body of the child sterile water. He then goes on to reassure the child that the medicine worked, the process shows 87% level of success.
Understanding Bed wetting at night - Nocturnal enuresis

Although make water has proven to have physical and psychological triggers, many parents find it difficult to accept. The majority will still choose to associate with children make water hard or thick head smart, some will choose the punishment and deliberate humiliation in order to make a child stop wetting the bed.

Experts say this not to happen. Make water caused by various conditions, no offensive children's inability to follow orders. Some reasons include the genetic means may indeed hereditary nature. It could also be caused by a bladder capacity of children is lower or the production of massive urine at night.
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Friday, July 1, 2011

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Is It Autism

Autism is: It 's clear from neurodevelopmental disorder is clearly different from social interaction, communication ability, patterns of behavior and interests.

"Defects of the neural and psychological development of people, both in the fetus, and so on, which causes weakness / gaps and social interaction, communication skills, interests and behavior patterns."

Autism is very broad and covers a lot of things. Characteristics of autism is much more, and most people with autism have suffered in part.

Autistic practically proved to be successful in life. autism experts from many fields of science, mathematics, computers, and others.

Parents can greatly help to guide children with autism to enjoy the benefits of scale (such as attention span and concentration extraordinary), and trained to repair its weaknesses.

Autism is a condition of a person from birth or childhood, it was a social relationship of normal communication. Therefore the child is isolated from other human beings in the world and obsessive repetitive activities and interests. (Baron-Cohen, 1993).

Function of power (1989) the characteristics of children with autism is a disorder in six areas:

• social interaction

• communication (language and speech);

• emotional behavior-

• patterns of play,

• sensory and motor disorders

• delayed or abnormal development.

These symptoms began to appear at birth or as a child, usually before a child under three years.

Autism in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV-R is one of the five types of disturbance on the DDA (Development Disorder Perpasive) out of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and ADD (Attention Disorder deficit). Perpasiv developmental disorder (PDD) is a term used to describe a group of developmental disorders in the PDD (general), namely:

1. autism spectrum disorders (autism) appear before the age of 3 years and represents a barrier to social interaction, communication and imaginative play and the presence of stereotyped behavior in the interests and activities.

2. Asperger barriers to the development of social interaction and restricted interests and activities are generally not delayed speech and language and have an average level of intelligence well above average.

3. A pervasive developmental disorder - not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) refers to the term atypical autism, a diagnosis of  PDD-NOS applies if a child does not show all the specific diagnostic criteria (autism syndrome Asperger and Rett syndrome).

4. Rett syndrome more common in girls and is rare in boys. Had proceeded normally, then a reduction or loss of capacity, loss of function, which were replaced by hand-move your hands move repeatedly in the age group 1-4 years
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